In an editorial published by its weekly magazine, the Archdiocese of Mexico has called on government officials to “tighten their belts” and reduce expenditures in response to the global economic crisis.


The editorial called on the government to make cuts in the 2009 budget and eliminate wasteful spending.  “The spending on so many frivolous and sumptuous things by public officials is an insult to a country steeped in poverty,” it stated. 


The archdiocese also called on officials of the Judicial branch to renounce “the huge salaries and unimaginable loans that their counterparts in the first world couldn’t even fathom,” and urged them to make a commitment to confronting the crisis in unity and solidarity.


“Mexico needs the determination of us all and our best minds to find a solution to our problems,” the article said. “Now is not the time to set fallen trees ablaze, but rather to rebuild our country and put forth our best,” the archdiocese stated.