Pro-life groups are hopeful that proposed legislation, that would fund research into post-abortion depression, will be passed this time around.

The Post-Abortion Depression Research and Care Act, sponsored by Rep. Joe Pitts, Pennsylvania Republican, allocates $15 million to the National Institutes of Health in the next five years to study and treat post-abortion conditions, reported the Washington Times. Such research, say the bill’s proponents, is long overdue.

This is not the first time such a bill has been presented to Congress. The bill is currently in the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

The bill includes a clause, which would provide $1.5 million in grants for public or non-profit groups that offer diagnostic services and treatment of conditions related to post-abortion depression, such as suicidal urges and emotional detachment.

While, the American Psychiatric Association does not classify post-abortion depression as a mental disorder and does not have experts on the subject, Vicki Thorn, executive director of the National Office of Post-Abortion Reconciliation and Healing, says the condition is comparable to post-traumatic stress syndrome.

Georgette Forney, president of the National Organization of Episcopalians for Life, said the introduction of the bill is encouraging to women who have suffered the effects of an abortion.

The bill is co-sponsored by Rep. Jo Ann Davis, Virginia Republican, and 27 other Republicans.