Madrid, Spain, Sep 10, 2008 / 18:02 pm
The Spanish Federation of Pro-Life Associations said this week that a new law widening access to abortion would do nothing to solve the problems related to the issue, and that change would come only with measures that respect life, help pregnant women and encourage teens to change their behavior.
In a statement, the federation called for “serious and real debate” involving “people without economic or political interests in the practice of abortion,” in order to shed “light on the medical, psychological and social reality” of women who have suffered the consequences of abortion as well as those who opted instead to keep their babies.
In response to a government announcement that the law on abortion would be liberalized, the federation called instead for greater care for pregnant women and a commitment by the country’s institutions to help them.
“The scorn for the unborn human being” must be corrected, the federation stated, as well as the pretension of turning crimes into rights, the manipulation of language and the claim that abortion is ‘a sign of progress and freedom’.”