The Archbishop of Valencia, Cardinal Agustin Garcia-Gasco, recalled that during his recent visit to the United States, Pope Benedict XVI spoke on the meaning of Catholic education, indicating that it must be oriented, among other things, towards making the faith tangible. 

“Benedict XVI also speaks to us about another aspect of our convictions in education: ‘In our universities and schools, is the faith tangible?  Is it fervently expressed in the liturgy, in the sacraments, through prayer, acts of charity, the struggle for justice and respect for God’s creation? Only in this way do we give true testimony about the meaning of who we are and what we believe,” the cardinal stressed.

In order to make the faith tangible, Cardinal Garcia-Gasco continued, one must cultivate a friendship with God, and “full communion with the Holy Father and the diocesan bishop.” This connection is “essential for Catholic universities and schools to authentically maintain their identity,” he said.

On the other hand, the cardinal wrote in his weekly letter, Catholic educators are called to grow in their love for Jesus Christ so that they grow in their understanding of the meaning of their mission.  This growth, he explained, “prevents the authentic educator from living divided, with one type of conduct at work, another at home and another in public and social life, as unfortunately happens with many of our colleagues, especially if they exercise positions of responsibilities.”

Cardinal Garcia-Gasco recalled that during his visit to the U.S., Pope Benedict XVI also referred to the “contemporary ‘crisis of truth,’ which is rooted in a ‘crisis of faith’.”  He emphasized that only through faith “can we freely give our assent to God’s testimony and recognize Him as the transcendent guarantor of the truth that He reveals.”

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