Archbishop Jose Antonio Eguren Anselmi of Piura issued an energetic call this week to protect marriage and the family in Peru after the Parliament approved a plan for “quick divorce” that would allow couples to dissolve their civil unions in two months.

Preaching to the hundreds of people who filled the Cathedral of Piura for Palm Sunday Mass, Archbishop Eguren expressed his concern for a law that would make it easy for marriages to be dissolved civilly instead of strengthening them, “especially those that are experiencing problems, turning into a mere administrative procedure something that is of great social relevance, as marriages are the place where comprehensive formation of future citizens of our country takes place.”

“Today our society is going through a crisis of moral and institutional principles and values.  That has led to the weakening of the social fabric and the proliferation of criminal and immoral conduct that harms the formation of our children and young people,” the archbishop said.  “It has been proven that marriages and families are the key to transforming these kinds of situations.  If we want a healthy society, we must help marriages and families to fulfill the fundamental role they naturally have in society,” he explained.

According to the new plan, couples who have been married for at least two years and decide to separate can file for divorce at local government offices.

If they have children they must present a court-approved settlement or an agreement about child support and visitation rights.