In the wake of the pro-family demonstration of December 30 organized by lay diocesan movements in the Spanish capital, the Council of Laity of Madrid has called on Spanish government officials to respect the rights of religious freedom and freedom of expression.

In a press release issued this Monday, the Council expressed “its concern over the reactions and statements” of some Socialist politicians with regards to the march that brought out more than two million Spaniards in defense of marriage and the family.

The Council stressed that the “organizers of the event were lay movements, made up of people who live and work in the world and who, although following different charisms and spiritualities, see themselves as the People of God and as citizens.”

“We felt the need to gather together on the feast of the Holy Family to proclaim the values incarnated by families formed by a man and woman”, the press release said. The lay group went on to say that they believe that parents should be “open to life and educators in civic values as well as in love that is freely given, in forgiveness and sacrifice”.

“Our celebration was intended to make it clear to Spanish society that for us the family does matter,’ the statement indicated. “We only ask our leaders to listen and to allow us to continue exercising our faith in freedom,” it continued.

“We lay Catholics are committed to the Truth that sets us authentically free and from there we consider ourselves citizens who wish to contribute to the common good. We only ask for respect on the part of those who have other ideas and freedom to peacefully proclaim them, as happened at the event on December 30,” the Council said.