Leaders of the Green Party decided to distance themselves from statements by the organization’s parliamentary secretary, Volker Beck, who called Cardinal Joachim Meisner of Cologne a “preacher of hate” for his statements against the homosexual lifestyle as a legitimate alternative.

“The so-called alternative human models of sexual relationships are not authentic and therefore are corrupt in their essence.  Humanity only destroys itself with them,” the cardinal warned during a visit to Switzerland.

In response, Beck told the German weekly Der Spiegel, “Cardinal Meisner is again simply acting as a preacher of hate who denies the right to exist to whole groups of human beings.”

Renate Kunast, Parliament leader in Bundestag, and Katrin Goring-Eckardt, vice president of Germany’s lower house, told the Der Tagespiegel daily that the statements by Beck were “inappropriate and disproportionate.”  However, while they said they disagreed with his choice of words, they said they were in agreement that the cardinal “should be criticized.”

Sources with the Archdiocese of Cologne said officials are considering legal action against Beck, similar to those taken several months ago when a court prohibited a comedian from using the same phrases to slander Cardinal Meisner.