The martyrs of the Soviet Union, Ukraine and Africa were the focus of a one-day colloquium on the martyrs of the 20th century in Paris, April 24. The session was a joint initiative of the French branch of the international charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) and the Catholic University of Lviv.

The colloquium also marked the 30th anniversary of ACN France’s magazine, “L'Eglise dans le Monde”.

Nearly 200 Church personalities, experts and journalists participated, including Bishop Gerard Daucourt of Nanterre and Bishop Michail Hrynchshyn, apostolic exarch for the Ukrainians.

The colloquium will be repeated at the Catholic University of Lviv May 7.

ACN France has highlighted recent martyrs in the Church in several of its publications. In 2002, it published a book in French on the topic, called “Christian Martyrs of the USSR”.

This year, a book called “Priez 15 jours avec les martyrs chrétiens du XXème siècle” (“15 Days of Prayer with the Martyrs of the 20th Century”) was published. Its author is the director of ACN France, Deacon Didier Rance.