San Francisco, Calif., Sep 26, 2007 / 09:33 am
St. Mary’s Cathedral in San Francisco is hosting a conference that will address the effects of abortion on men by focusing on research, the trauma of those involved, and the counseling aspects of an abortion.
The conference which will be held November 28-29, is a unique opportunity for those in pastoral or clinical settings to learn about this relevant topic. Men who are potentially impacted include anybody who would have been close to the aborted child: boyfriends, husbands, uncles, siblings, grandfathers, etc. They are scarred because they are often cut out of the decision-making process and not given a voice because it is labeled as a “women’s issue.”
Titles for presentations include: Men and Abortion: A Review of the Research; Trauma and Abortion: When Men Hollow; Sociology of Fatherhood and Abortion; Spiritual Aspects of Healing for Post-Abortion Fathers; Wounded Fathers: Why Do They Come for Help and Forgiveness Therapy with Post- Abortion Men.
The National Office of Post-Abortion Reconciliation and Healing is the organizer of this conference. The organization offers consultation on the formation of post-abortion support services (including Project Rachel), provides training for care providers, and has a national referral line for those seeking assistance after an abortion. They also publish directories, produce printed, audio and video materials, and sponsor conferences on the aftermath of an abortion.
For more information, about the conference or about help for men suffering due to post- abortion trauma, please visit: