Nigerian Cardinal Francis Arinze, prefect of the Vatican’s Office of Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments will be giving a public lecture on “The Apostolate Specific to the Lay Faithful” Wednesday, September 19th. The talk will take place at Holy Apostles Church, in Colorado Springs, Colorado at 7 p.m.

Prior to his talk, Cardinal Arinze will be celebrating a Mass open to the public at St. Mary's Cathedral in downtown Colorado Springs at 3 p.m.

On Thursday, the Cardinal will also present his talk, “Eucharist, Nourishment for the Christian Steward” at a stewardship conference taking place at Spirit of Christ Church in Arvada. An open forum for clergy will also be facilitated by the cardinal.

The Colorado Catholic Herald reports that the Cardinal will also be the keynote speaker at a convention of Legatus stewardship conference which is also being held on the same day in Colorado Springs.  Legatus is an organization of Catholic CEOs and business leaders with its mission being: “to study, live and spread the Faith in our business, professional and personal lives.”