Supreme Knight Carl Anderson delivered the annual State of the Knights of Columbus report on Monday afternoon. He indicated that the fraternal organization saw record charitable donations, volunteerism, membership growth, and investment.
The meeting was ceremoniously opened with the same gavel that Fr. McGivney used to convene the first meeting of the original Knights Council 125 years ago.

Archbishop William Lori, the Supreme Chaplain of the fraternal organization, offered a prayer to commend the proceedings to Our Lady as well.

Mr. Anderson then commenced to give highlights from the Knights 125-year history. Of particular note, were this year’s accomplishments, which include the giving of $143 million to charities (an increase of 4 million over 2006), the logging of 68.2 million volunteer hours, and reaching a membership level of 1.7 million men.

The Knights also underlined that they were able to introduce the order to Poland, where they went from one council to eight councils in the span of one year.

As for the financial well being of the Knights Life Insurance Company, whose main purpose is to provide for the widowed and orphaned; it is performing very well. The past year saw their assets double and an increase of $6.5 billion in growth.

Anderson also spoke about the organization’s political involvement, saying, that they are not affiliated with one party or another and that they will not become involved in partisan politics.

Mr. Anderson closed his report by announcing that in 2009, when the annual gathering is held in Phoenix, Arizona, it will also include the first-ever Marian Congress on Our Lady of Guadalupe. The Archdiocese of Mexico City will celebrate the Congress in conjunction with the Knights, which will focus on the ways that Our Lady of Guadalupe has protected everyone in the Americas.