Latest Catholic News


Pro- Life League Creates Fund To Honor Pope John Paul

Oct 16, 2003

The American Life League, the largest pro-life educational organization in the United States, marked the pope's 25th anniversary by establishing... Read more


More Than 400,000 Expected To Attend Mother Teresa’s Beatification

Oct 16, 2003

The beatification of Mother Teresa could set a new record for a celebration of this kind if calculations by Vatican... Read more


Mother Teresa Was “A Woman In Love With God”

Oct 16, 2003

In an interview with the Fides News Agency, Fr. Brian Kolodiejchuk, Postulator of the Cause of Beatification of Mother Teresa... Read more


BBC Broadcasts Show Hostility Toward Church And Religious Belief: Bishops

Oct 16, 2003

Despite good coverage of Pope John Paul II’s 25th anniversary and of the life of Mother Teresa this week, the... Read more


Cardinal Suggests Health Warning on Condom Packets

Oct 15, 2003

Condom packages should carry a health warning similar to that printed on cigarette packets, Alfonso Cardinal Trujillo told the AFP... Read more


Vespers Are Perfect Expression Of Praise: Pope

Oct 15, 2003

The evening vespers are a prayer, which expresses the trust that we have in God and which reminds us to... Read more


Church in Colombia laments lack of response from ELN on hostage negotiations

Oct 15, 2003

Bishop Ugo Puccini of the Diocese of Santa Marta in Columbia and one of a three-member commission created at the... Read more


“In the name of God, stop the violence,” Bishop exhorts Bolivians

Oct 15, 2003

The Bishop of El Alto, Bolivia, Jesús Juárez, has called on authorities and citizens involved in the unrest that has... Read more


Pope Signs New Document On Ministry Of Bishops

Oct 15, 2003

On the anniversary of his pontificate, Pope John Paul II signed a new document on the ministry of bishops and... Read more


Congress Of Cardinals: The Pope Teaches Us To Follow Christ In Difficult Times

Oct 15, 2003

Close to 200 Cardinals from around are gathering in Rome this week to take part in a Congress on the... Read more


Holy Father Proposes Dialogue To Resolve Chaos In Bolivia

Oct 15, 2003

At the conclusion of his general audience yesterday, Pope John Paul called for "civil dialogue" and "reasonable solutions" to resolve... Read more


Italian President Will Address The Nation On Papal Anniversary

Oct 15, 2003

In an unprecedented gesture of appreciation, the President of Italy, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, will congratulate Pope John Paul II on... Read more


Pope Not Resigning Any Time Soon

Oct 14, 2003

Pope John Paul II still can carry out his mission and shows no sign of resigning, several cardinals told media... Read more


Homeless Will Be Guests of Honor at Beatification of Mother Teresa

Oct 14, 2003

This Sunday, October 19, 2,000 homeless people from Rome, accompanied by 1,000 members of the Missionaries of Charity, will be... Read more


Vatican Museums and Italian Newspaper Join In Pontifical Celebrations

Oct 14, 2003

As part of the celebrations of the 25th Anniversary of John Paul II’s Pontificate and the beatification of Mother Teresa... Read more


“The Pope Has Fulfilled His Own Prophecy” Though His Suffering Says Polish Expert

Oct 13, 2003

In a moving personal testimony during the presentation of his book on the philosophical thought of John Paul II, “Metaphysics... Read more

Week of Celebrations for John Paul II

Oct 13, 2003

Pope John Paul II begins a week full of activities tomorrow in celebration of his 25th anniversary and the appointment... Read more


John Paul II Will Be Known As “The Pope Of Sanctity” Says Cardinal Saraiva

Oct 13, 2003

In an interview with the Brazilian daily “O Estado,” Cardinal José Saraiva Martins, Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes... Read more


Lateran University inaugurates “Karol Wojtyla Course”

Oct 13, 2003

As a part of the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Pontificate of Pope John Paul II, which takes... Read more


Pope Continues to Count on Youth

Oct 13, 2003

Pope John Paul II thanked the Catholic youth of the world yesterday for always having been close to him during... Read more