Latest Catholic News


Archbishop of San Antonio warns Catholics of Costa Rican cult

Nov 20, 2003

Archbishop Patrick Flores of San Antonio is urging Catholics to stay away from Costa Rican cult in which a former... Read more


Muslim fundamentalists attack Christian community in Iraq

Nov 19, 2003

The past week has seen numerous attacks by fundamentalist Muslims on Christians in Mosul in northern Iraq. “Last week a... Read more


Italy will not be intimidated by terrorist attack, says Cardinal Ruini

Nov 19, 2003

During funeral services for the 19 Italians who died in the attack on their post in Iraq last Wednesday, the... Read more


Dead Israeli men may father children

Nov 19, 2003

In a bizarre decision, Israel's Attorney-General Eliyakim Rubinstein has issued legal guidelines giving Israeli widows the right to harvest their... Read more


Catholic Media Declares "Theresa Schindler Schiavo Day"

Nov 19, 2003

The Catholic Media Coalition has declared Nov. 30, 2003 Theresa Schindler Schiavo Day and has sought support from the U.S.... Read more


Chewable contraceptive pills aimed at young girls get FDA approval

Nov 19, 2003

The U.S. Federal Drug Administration (FDA) issued its approval of a spearmint-flavored chewable contraceptive tablet Nov. 14. Read more


Jesus still bears the signs of the Passion, Pope says

Nov 18, 2003

Pope John Paul II said that Christ, ever-glorious, "still bears the signs of the passion, which is His true humanity,... Read more


Priests are called to holiness despite struggles, says Cardinal Castrillón

Nov 18, 2003

In the present international situation, Christians have to be in communion with God, said Dario Cardinal Castrillón Hoyos, who inaugurated... Read more


Clergy Condemns Massachusetts Ruling on 'Gay Marriage'

Nov 18, 2003

Massachusetts' Catholic bishops are calling for the reversal of a ruling made by the Supreme Judicial Court yesterday, which overturns... Read more


"Jane Roe" travels to Uruguay to help resist legalization of abortion

Nov 18, 2003

The woman used by feminist lawyers who argued in favor of the legalization of abortion on demand in the United... Read more


Bishops of Argentina comment on Free Trade discussions and ask lawmakers for meaningful reflection

Nov 18, 2003

The Bishops Conference of Argentina published today a document on the challenges of the Free Trade Area for the Americas,... Read more


Parish life is “central and irreplaceable” for the Church, Pope says

Nov 17, 2003

In a message sent to the Italian Bishops’ Conference (CEI) currently gathered in Assisi, Pope John Paul II stressed the... Read more


Vatican calls on Muslims to be builders of peace in end-of-Ramadan message

Nov 17, 2003

In the annual message from the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue to Muslims on the occasion of the end of... Read more


Chaldean priest pleads for political order to keep Iraq from becoming another Palestine

Nov 17, 2003

Speaking to the Fides news agency, Father Denka H. Toma, Superior General of the Antonian Order of St. Ormizda of... Read more


Bishop defends Catholic statement opposing same-sex unions

Nov 17, 2003

Marriage is in a crisis in the U.S., and the legalization of same-sex marriages would be another diminishing of society,... Read more


Brooklyn diocese celebrates 150 years

Nov 17, 2003

The Diocese of Brooklyn celebrated its 150th anniversary by toasting its immigrants community who organized the diocese and continue to... Read more


Workers boycott stops construction of abortion clinic

Nov 17, 2003

A contractor hired to build an abortion clinic quit his job this month after all of his workers and subcontractors... Read more


Bishops warn of proposals aiming to legalize abortion in Argentina

Nov 17, 2003

As the Bishops Conference of Argentina concluded their 86th General Assembly, the Argentinean prelates published a message in which they... Read more


Church leaders and families unite to oppose legalization of drugs in Mexican prisons

Nov 17, 2003

A noted pro-family group has joined efforts with the Mexican bishops in urging the rejection of a proposal to legalize... Read more

Catholics must fight against discrimination, Pope tells Indians Bishops

Nov 16, 2003

Speaking to the las group of Bishops from India who have comew for their Ad Limina  visit,  Pope John Paul... Read more