Latest Catholic News

Pope Pius XII did everything possible to protect Jews: Jesuit journal

Dec 7, 2003

Pope Pius XII did everything humanly possible to protect Rome’s Jews from the Nazis and only learned of the Nazi... Read more


New movements renew faith in today’s world, says Holy Father

Dec 7, 2003

In a letter sent to Chiara Lubich, foundress of the Focolare Movement, to mark the 60th anniversary its foundation, Pope... Read more


Bishop supports outreach to AIDS victims, not AIDS walk

Dec 7, 2003

Bishop Raymond L. Burke of La Crosse said he supports the diocesan outreach ministry to AIDS victims but, because of... Read more


U.S. bishops speak out against over-the-counter "emergency contraception"

Dec 7, 2003

Emergency contraceptives should not be switched from prescription to over-the-counter drugs, say the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).  Read more


No regrets for urging Catholic politicians to vote pro-life: Bishop Burke

Dec 7, 2003

A bishop who wrote letters to two Catholic state legislators and one member of Congress, urging them to support pro-life... Read more


Optimism and hope growing in Columbia, Bishop says

Dec 7, 2003

During his visit to the organization Aid to the Church in Need, Bishop Luis Romero Franco of Facatitiva, Columbia, praised... Read more


Divorces will outnumber marriages by 2009 in Spain

Dec 7, 2003

According to data from the Institute for Family Politics that will be officially presented next week, the annual divorce rate... Read more


Pope issues apostolic letter to mark 40th anniversary of Sacrosantum Concilium

Dec 4, 2003

Pope John Paul II signed his latest Apostolic Letter yesterday, December 4, marking the 40th anniversary of the Vatican II... Read more


New vocations depend on testimony of holiness, Pope says

Dec 4, 2003

In a message released on the occasion of the 41st World Day of Prayer for Vocations, Pope John Paul II... Read more


There is a close relationship between hunger and peace, Pope says

Dec 4, 2003

Addressing  participants at the 32nd Conference of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO,) Pope John Paul... Read more


Catholic-Jewish statement: we share moral responsibility to the World

Dec 4, 2003

An Israeli Delegation  and  the Holy See’s Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews issued on Thursday a joint declaration... Read more


Episcopal diocese requests membership in Catholic Church

Dec 4, 2003

An Episcopalian diocese approached the Vatican and requested to come into the Roman Catholic Church, Seattle Archbishop Alexander J. Brunett... Read more


Catholic lawmakers must vote pro-life: Bishop Burke

Dec 4, 2003

As practicing Catholics, Catholic lawmakers cannot support legislation that is "anti-life," said Bishop Raymond L. Burke in letters that he... Read more


Public universities go to battle in favor of same-sex benefits

Dec 4, 2003

The Thomas More Law Center has questioned the use of public funds by universities to advance the homosexual agenda after... Read more


New Iraqi Patriarch concerned with Muslim fundamentalism

Dec 4, 2003

The new top Catholic leader of Iraq,  Emmanuel III Delly, recently elected Patriarch of Babylon of the Chaldeans, expressed yesterday... Read more

Pope calls for radical renewal of liturgical and religious music

Dec 3, 2003

To mark the 100th anniversary of Pope St. Pius X’s motu propio on the renewal of sacred music, “Tra le... Read more


Boston Archbishop to sell residence

Dec 3, 2003

The Archdiocese of Boston officially announced on Wednesday that it is about to sell the Archbishop's grand residence located in... Read more


Pope commemorates great Ukranian famine of 1932-33, recalls victims of Communism

Dec 3, 2003

Pope John Paul II has sent a message to Ukrainian Cardinal Lubomyr Husar, Archbishop of Lviv of the Ukrainians, and... Read more


Pope recalls trip to Bosnia, calls for spiritual renewal

Dec 3, 2003

Pope John Paul II received on Thursday members of the committee that organized his pastoral visit on June 22, 2003... Read more


Pope wishes peace to Iraq during audience with newly elected Patriarch

Dec 3, 2003

On Wednesday afternoon,  Pope John Paul II  received in audience His Beatitude Emmanuel III Dely, the new Patriarch of Babylonia... Read more