Latest Catholic News


Brazilian bishops say students need education and not condoms to fight AIDS

Dec 10, 2003

The Bishops Conference of Brazil has published a clear statement asking the country’s Ministers of Health and of Education to... Read more


Judge orders image of the Virgin removed from Argentinean Supreme Court building

Dec 10, 2003

A judge in Argentina has ordered the removal of an image of Our Lady of St. Nicholas from the country’s... Read more


Prayer and fasting for freedom in Cuba

Dec 10, 2003

In order to mark the International Day of Human Rights, political prisoners and their family members held a day of... Read more


Wife of Chinese Christian prisoner appeals to Christians around the world

Dec 10, 2003

The wife of a Chinese Christian psychiatrist has sent an appeal to Christians worldwide to pray for her husband, who... Read more


God is not indifferent to human suffering, Pope says

Dec 9, 2003

Commenting on a hymn from Revelation 19, Pope John Paul said during the general audience on Wednesday that God is... Read more


Vatican: conflicts must not stop humanitarian aid to hot zones

Dec 9, 2003

Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, the permanent observer of the Holy See to the United Nations Office in Geneva said that the... Read more


Marian Year Inaugurated at National Shrine in DC

Dec 9, 2003

Next year will mark the 150th anniversary of the solemn proclamation of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception and the... Read more


Abortions in Pennsylvania down for 2002, bishops reveal

Dec 9, 2003

As a result of intense pro-life activity, the number of abortions in the state of Pennsylvania declined in 2002 by... Read more


Chicken ad plucked after offending Catholics in Canada

Dec 9, 2003

A Quebec TV ad, featuring a priest and his congregation singing the praises of a barbecue chicken chain as a... Read more


Offensive `nun’ ad draws national Catholic protest in Canada

Dec 9, 2003

The image of a young black woman, dressed as a nun in a low-cut habit and showing her bare midriff... Read more


Costa Rica and Unites States achieve pro-life victory on cloning issue at the UN

Dec 9, 2003

A new effort by Costa Rica on Tuesday to obtain a total ban on human cloning—with the support of the... Read more


Seminarians must prepare to priestly life with intense prayer, Pope says

Dec 8, 2003

Pope John Paul II told a group of Polish seminarians on Tuesday that they must prepare for their future priestly... Read more


Pope to authorities in Paraguay: promote education of your people

Dec 8, 2003

Upon receiving the credentials of the new ambassador of the Republic of Paraguay, Marcos Martinez Mendieta, John Paul II called... Read more


Only faith can grasp the mystery of Mary Immaculate, Pope says

Dec 8, 2003

Speaking to the faithful gathered in St. Peter’s Square to celebrate the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, a holiday in... Read more


Major media hide  fact women die for legal abortion, expert says

Dec 8, 2003

The startling results of the latest survey on abortion in the United States show that women die of legal abortions... Read more


PETA billboard depicts Virgin Mary cradling chicken carcass

Dec 8, 2003

The animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is hoping that a billboard of the Virgin Mary... Read more


Australian man receives one-year jail term for false claim of sexual abuse

Dec 8, 2003

A man, who claimed he had been abused by Catholic brothers, has been sentenced to a one-year jail term after... Read more


Decorate hearts more than homes this Christmas, Mexican Bishop says

Dec 8, 2003

Marking the second week of Advent, Bishop Felipe Arizmendi Esquivel of San Cristóbal de las Casas in Mexico said that... Read more


Pro-life medical students in Cuba send message of support to imprisoned pro-life doctor

Dec 8, 2003

Five medical students from the Institute of Medical Sciences in Havana are marking the Day of Medicine by sending a... Read more


St. John the Baptist still speaks today, Pope says

Dec 7, 2003

During the recitation of the Angelus on the Second Sunday of Advent, Pope John Paul II said the call of... Read more