Latest Catholic News

Pope calls Catholics to imitate Christ as a model, and program to carry out

Jan 13, 2004

Pope John Paul II called on Catholics today to follow Christ “without hesitation” as the model “which we must contemplate... Read more


Parishioners devastated by church vandalism, arson

Jan 13, 2004

A small parish of 300 families is still picking up the pieces after vandals tore up prayer books, knocked over... Read more


Fr. Groeschel in critical condition after Orlando car accident

Jan 13, 2004

Fr. Benedict Groeschel, author, television personality and founder of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, is in critical condition in... Read more


Vancouver’s new archbishop ‘slightly’ more liberal

Jan 13, 2004

Pope John Paul II announced Jan. 10 that Bishop Raymond Roussin of the Diocese of Victoria will succeed Archbishop Adam... Read more


Population Fund reports half of active population in Spain will be gone in 50 years

Jan 13, 2004

In reference to the growing elderly population of several European countries, the UN Population Fund is reporting that Spain will... Read more


Chile needs laws which favor the family and not divorce, says Bishop

Jan 13, 2004

Bishop Héctor Vargas Bastidas of Arica, Chile, says the country needs laws favoring the family and not divorce. Read more

Two days in a row, Pope calls for world peace

Jan 12, 2004

Pope John Paul II spoke about peace this morning, just a day after his powerful speech about the world situation. ... Read more


Pope celebrates anniversary of spiritual classic that inspired his Mariology

Jan 12, 2004

Pope John Paul II marked the 160th anniversary of the publication of "True devotion to Our Lady" by St. Louis-Marie... Read more


Venezuelan Cardinal calls for country built on “true freedom and democracy.”

Jan 12, 2004

Venezuelan Cardinal Rosalío Castillo Lara is calling on his fellow countrymen to build a country upon “true freedom and democracy,”... Read more


Bishop denounces dropping of leaflets by drug traffickers in Colombia

Jan 12, 2004

Bishop Luis Madrid Merlano of Cartago, Colombia, is denouncing the dropping of leaflets in his diocese which include threats to... Read more


Mexican Bishops Conference to review of Bush immigration proposal

Jan 12, 2004

Reacting to the announcement of new immigration policy for the United States by President George Bush, Bishop José Guadalupe Martín... Read more


Pope John Paul II denounces menaces of world peace

Jan 11, 2004

As is the custom every New Year, Pope John Paul II welcomed members of the diplomatic corps accredited to the... Read more


NCR journalist confirms Pope’s reaction to "The Passion of the Christ"

Jan 11, 2004

Last Friday, in his usual "Word from Rome" column of Vatican news and gossip, the National Catholic Reporter’s Vatican correspondent,... Read more


Archbishop O'Malley urges Catholic lawyers to oppose same-sex marriage

Jan 11, 2004

Archbishop Sean P. O'Malley urged lawyers to protect marriage and the family in the United States and oppose same-sex marriage... Read more


Aid to the Church in Need sets out prize for religious freedom defenders

Jan 11, 2004

Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) has created a new award that will seek to honor and recognize the... Read more


Bishops show solidarity with visit to Holy Land

Jan 11, 2004

In a show of solidarity and support for Christians in the Holy Land, Catholic bishops from Europe and the Americas... Read more

It’s official: Pro-abortion legislators can't receive Eucharist in Diocese of Lacrosse

Jan 8, 2004

In an unprecedented action, La Crosse Bishop Raymond L. Burke has issued a document clearly stating that Catholic legislators who... Read more


Family cannot be equated to other unions, Pope tells Italian Ambassador

Jan 8, 2004

During the welcoming ceremony of Italy's new ambassador to the Holy See, Giuseppe Balboni Acqua, Pope John Paul II recalled... Read more


Italy has a role in keeping Europe Christian, Pope says

Jan 8, 2004

Pope John Paul II on Friday told Italy’s new ambassador to the Holy See, Giuseppe Balboni Acqua, that Italy's rich... Read more


Slained Nuncio was “son of the noble land of Ireland”, Cardinal Sodano says

Jan 8, 2004

On Thursday afternoon, Cardinal Angelo Sodano, the Vatican’s Secretary of State, celebrated a Mass for the repose of the soul... Read more