Latest Catholic News


Chilean authorities stop distribution of condoms at beaches

Jan 8, 2004

In response to public outcry, government officials in Chile moved to prohibit the distribution of condoms to summer vacations at... Read more


New Auxiliary Bishop of Miami says sun will rise on Cuba

Jan 8, 2004

During his ceremony of ordination as Auxiliary Bishop of Miami, Bishop Felipe de Jesús Estévez, addressed his fellow Cubans and... Read more


John Paul II: None of the current ideologies will interrupt faith and reason dialogue

Jan 7, 2004

Pope John Paul II hopes that “the lively dialogue” between faith and reason will last and “none of the current... Read more


Holy Father defends right to love of mentally handicapped

Jan 7, 2004

In a message to the participants in an international symposium on the "Dignity and Rights of the Mentally Handicapped", Pope... Read more


Court to decide fate of anti-Catholic sculpture on university campus

Jan 7, 2004

A federal court is expected to decide next week whether a state-run university must remove an anti-Catholic sculpture from campus... Read more


Kid starts legal battle after being forbidden to hand out gifts with Christian message at school

Jan 7, 2004

A civil liberties organization has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit on behalf of an elementary school student and his... Read more


Foreign priests on the rise in U.S.

Jan 7, 2004

With the number of U.S.-born clergy dwindling, the United States has become mission territory again for an increasing number of... Read more


Argentinean Archbishop praying that “President Kirchner be who he is supposed to be”

Jan 7, 2004

Archbishop Carmelo Juan Giaquinta of Resistencia, Argentina, said he is praying “fervently” that the country’s president, Néstor Kirchner, “be who... Read more


Costa Rican bishops ask government to teach children to be builders of peace

Jan 7, 2004

Bishop José Francisco Ulloa of Limón and President of the Costa Rica Bishops Conference asked the government this week to... Read more


Campaign underway in Argentina to establish penalties for abortifacients

Jan 7, 2004

An Argentinean congressman has introduced a bill that would establish penalties for the production and distribution of abortifacients—medicines whose purpose... Read more


Pope appoints known pro-lifer as new Archbishop Coadjutor for Kansas City

Jan 6, 2004

Pope John Paul II appointed Bishop Joseph F. Naumann, auxiliary of St. Louis, MO; a strong supporter of the Pro-life... Read more


Let’s contemplate Mary before Christmas season ends, Pope says

Jan 6, 2004

Pope John Paul II dedicated his first catechesis of 2004 to reflect upon “The divine maternity of Mary”, and called... Read more


Full Audit on Dallas Charter is available to public on USCCB site

Jan 6, 2004

The more than 300-pages long  Audit on the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People have been made... Read more


Over-the-counter contraception a mistake, says medical association

Jan 6, 2004

The Australian Medical Association says the decision to make the morning-after pill the first contraceptive available in the country without... Read more


USCCB official condemns law permitting embryonic research and cloning

Jan 6, 2004

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops denounced a new law, signed by New Jersey Governor James McGreevey Jan. 4,... Read more


Removal of statue of Mary from court building by Argentinean judge sparks protests

Jan 6, 2004

A federal judge’s decision last Saturday to remove a statue of Our Lady of the Rosary of St. Nicholas from... Read more


New organization to certify natural family planning methods

Jan 6, 2004

On January 1 a new organization sponsored by a group of doctors and scientists was officially inaugurated in Spain that... Read more


Catholic organization among the most efficient in responding to earthquake survivors in Iran

Jan 6, 2004

Despite working in a majority Muslim country, Catholic Charities in Iran has been one of the most efficient organizations in... Read more


Audit says significant improvement in sex abuse cases, but more changes are needed

Jan 5, 2004

The results of the audit of the dioceses and eparchies of the United States, which was called for by the... Read more


Christianity gazes upon the world with great affection, Pope says on feast of the Epiphany

Jan 5, 2004

Recalling his predecessor, Pope Paul VI, Pope John Paul II said today, during the feast of the Epiphany, that Christianity... Read more