Latest Catholic News

Pope says anti-life culture “intimidated” by natural fertility regulation

Jan 29, 2004

In a message made public today, Pope John Paul told the participants at a meeting in Rome on the theme... Read more


Bishop hopeful about U.S. immigration policy reform regarding Mexican workers

Jan 29, 2004

Bishop José H. Gomez is making an appeal to U.S. Catholics to take an active role in the months ahead... Read more


Pope urges French bishops to attract committed laity to the Church

Jan 29, 2004

Speaking to a group of French bishops from the provinces of Dijon and Tours, Pope John Paul II focused on... Read more


Human development goes beyond economic success, Pope tells Chinese ambassador

Jan 29, 2004

Speaking to the new ambassador of the Republic of China (Taiwan,) Chou-seng Tou, Pope John Paul remarked in English that... Read more


Lacrosse Bishop’s message to Catholic politicians lauded

Jan 29, 2004

Bishops, Catholic leaders and people committed to a pro-life cause are glad that La Crosse Bishop Raymond L. Burke disciplined... Read more


Poll: Women say abortion makes life worse

Jan 29, 2004

Only 16 percent of all of the women polled for a new national survey believe abortion makes women's lives better,... Read more


Europe needs Christian values in spite of crisis, says Archbishop

Jan 29, 2004

Archbishop Julián Barrio of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, says European unity should be established upon the values that have historically... Read more


Mexican bishops “will not let their guard down” concerning abortion pill

Jan 29, 2004

The Mexican Bishops Conference will continue to inform the faithful about the abortifacient effects of the morning after pill despite... Read more


500 years later Queen Isabel continues to be an example of faith for Spain, Archbishop says

Jan 29, 2004

Referring to the 500th anniversary of the death of Queen Isabel, Archbishop Antonio Cañizares of Toledo, Spain, said the monarch... Read more

Pope says Christian marriage is valid unless “the contrary is demonstrated”

Jan 28, 2004

Addressing officials and attorneys of the Roman Rota at the inauguration of the Vatican’s judicial year, Pope John Paul II... Read more


Pope call to reflect on condition of Children, “spiritual childhood” during Lent

Jan 28, 2004

Pope John Paul II released today his Lenten Message for 2004 entitled “Whoever receives one such child in my name... Read more


Vatican launches initiatives to favor Children with AIDS

Jan 28, 2004

During the official presentation of Pope John Paul II’s Lenten message 2004, entitled “Whoever receives one such child in my... Read more


European association launches contest called “Family Matters”

Jan 28, 2004

With the sponsorship of the European Parliament, the association World Youth Alliance has launched a contest called “Family Matters,” which... Read more


Persecuted bishop asks for international help so that Sudanese can decide their own future

Jan 28, 2004

One of the symbols of religious persecution in Sudan, Bishop Macram Max Gassis of Obeid, is calling on the international... Read more


God is “a vigilant Presence on the side of good,” Pope says

Jan 27, 2004

Resuming his commentary on the Psalms, Pope John Paul said during his Wednesday catechesis that God is not indifferent to... Read more


Swift change in Brazilian episcopate as Pope accepts resignation of three Cardinals

Jan 27, 2004

Pope John Paul II made a significant change in the Brazilian Episcopate by simultaneously accepting today the resignation of three... Read more


Education in peace, key to preventing genocide, Vatican says

Jan 27, 2004

During his intervention at the Fourth Stockholm International Forum “Preventing Genocide,” Archbishop Celestino Migliore, the Holy See Permanent Observer to... Read more


Papal message for Lent to focus on children

Jan 27, 2004

Pope John Paul’s Lenten Message for 2004 will be entitled, “Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me,”... Read more


Campaign promotes "parents right to know" before daughters under 18 get abortion

Jan 27, 2004

Catholic organizations have less than 80 days to gather one million signatures in support a ballot measure to change the... Read more


Contest asks youth to think ‘family’

Jan 27, 2004

A competition launched by the World Youth Alliance is asking young people, aged 10 to 30, to tell them why... Read more