Latest Catholic News


Pope recalls Lourdes, 150th Anniversary of Dogma of Immaculate Conception

Feb 8, 2004

Addressing the pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's Square for the Angelus on Sunday, Pope John Paul meditated upon the coming... Read more


Pontifical Academy for Life to remember memorable French pro-lifer

Feb 8, 2004

The Pontifical Academy for Life will celebrate the 10th Anniversary of its foundation by Pope John Paul II by honoring... Read more


States must protect rights of monogamous, heterosexual marriage, Vatican says at UN 

Feb 8, 2004

The Holy See Permanent Observer to the United Nations Archbishop Celestino Migliore, spoke last Saturday on the role of the... Read more


Gibson explains the ‘Passion’ to churchgoers via satellite

Feb 8, 2004

Mel Gibson spoke with thousands of churchgoers, after screenings of his film “The Passion of the Christ” Feb. 7, and... Read more


Catholic Church still rebuts BBC on anti-Catholic coverage

Feb 8, 2004

The controller of BBC Scotland defended the broadcaster’s coverage of the Catholic Church yesterday after Archbishop Mario Conti of Glasgow... Read more


“The Passion of the Christ” to be debuted in Latin America in Peru, Mexico and Argentina

Feb 8, 2004

Officials at Warner Bros/20TH Century Fox have revealed to CNA that Peru, where the conglomerate has distribution rights, will be... Read more


Dallas man rents 20-screen complex to show “Passion” to 6,000 people

Feb 8, 2004

Arch Bonnema, a member of the Dallas-area Prestonwood Baptist Church near Dallas, has decided to involve his family in renting... Read more


Colombian Guerrilla calls for mediation by the Church, bishops ask for concrete gestures

Feb 8, 2004

Cardinal Pedro Rubiano, Archbishop of Bogotá and President of the Colombian Bishops Conference, responded to the surprising request of the... Read more

Catholics must accept and live fullness of Catholic doctrine, Pope says

Feb 5, 2004

Addressing members of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith headed by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Pope John Paul said... Read more


Pope stresses the need to recover natural law

Feb 5, 2004

Speaking to the members of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, headed by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Pope John... Read more


Priestly sexual misconduct must be prevented at seminaries, Pope says

Feb 5, 2004

In a long speech addressed to members of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, headed by Cardinal Joseph... Read more


Actress who plays Mary speaks of filming ‘The Passion’

Feb 5, 2004

In a recent interview with the Associated Press, actress Maia Morgenstern said she was pregnant for her role as Mary... Read more


Washburn University sculpture leads to Catholic reaction

Feb 5, 2004

Wichita Catholic high schools announced this week that they are no longer welcoming Washburn University admissions officers on their campuses... Read more


Mass. ruling expected to create push for Marriage Protection Amendment in Illinois

Feb 5, 2004

A decision by the Massachusetts court this week, which upheld homosexuals’ right to marriage, has strengthened the resolve in Illinois... Read more


Canadian Catholic farmer takes his case against Monsanto to the Supreme Court

Feb 5, 2004

It’s now up to the Supreme Court of Canada to decide whether a Saskatchewan farmer violated the patent rights of... Read more


Pope slams Anti-Semitism, supports Palestinian plight

Feb 4, 2004

Pope John Paul II received on Thursday a group from the American Jewish Committee and, during brief remarks, recalled their... Read more


Program for World Day of the Sick revealed

Feb 4, 2004

Cardinal Javier Lozano Barragan, President of the Pontifical Council for Health Care Ministry, presented on Thursaday at the Vatican Press... Read more


Marriage, not civil unions, for same-sex couples, says Massachusetts court

Feb 4, 2004

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court declared yesterday that the creation of a new legal category for the union of same-sex... Read more


Archbishop Conti accuses BBC of bias against Catholic Church

Feb 4, 2004

Archbishop Mario Conti of Glasgow accused the BBC of “gross insensitivity” to the Catholic Church and of encouraging “a tabloid... Read more


Gibson may delete a scene in 'Passion'

Feb 4, 2004

The New York Times reported yesterday that a close associate of Mel Gibson said the actor/director has decided to delete... Read more