Latest Catholic News


Second Papal visit to Rome synagogue under consideration

Mar 10, 2004

The magazine “Familia Cristiana” is reporting that a second visit by Pope John Paul II to a Roman synagogue is... Read more


Catholic Church hears requests to excommunicate mayor

Mar 10, 2004

Chicago man is circulating a petition asking Cardinal Francis George to excommunicate Mayor Richard Daley for his public show of... Read more


Pope John Paul II marks new milestone as third-longest reigning pope

Mar 10, 2004

Pope John Paul II will become the third-longest reigning pope in the history of the Roman Catholic Church, exceeding the... Read more

Vatican study confirms increase in religious indifference

Mar 9, 2004

A study by the Pontifical Council for Culture has revealed that religious indifference and faith in a “faceless God” is... Read more


Doctor asks Senate for more research into side effects of abortion

Mar 9, 2004

A medical researcher from the University of Michigan Medical School urged members of the U.S. Senate last week to support... Read more


Parental notice measure approved by first Senate committee

Mar 9, 2004

A proposed constitutional amendment, which would require doctors to notify the parents of minor girls seeking abortions at least 48... Read more


New York bishops defend marriage at Capitol

Mar 9, 2004

The Catholic Conference of New York defended marriage as the union of a man and a woman at the annual... Read more


Bishops of Costa Rica will premier “The Passion of the Christ”

Mar 9, 2004

The Bishops Conference of Costa Rica has been granted the exclusive rights by the country’s theaters to debut Mel Gibson’s... Read more


Prime Minister of Australia rejects homosexual unions and adoptions

Mar 9, 2004

Speaking on local radio stations, John Howard, Primer Minister of Australia, criticized a regional law that authorizes the adoption of... Read more


Mary Ann Glendon is appointed President of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences

Mar 8, 2004

The Pope John Paul II appointed American professor Mary Ann Glendon as the new president of the Pontifical Academy of... Read more


Archdiocese of Lima proposes spiritual preparation before seeing “The Passion”

Mar 8, 2004

The Archdiocese of Lima is encouraging the faithful to see “The Passion of the Christ,” which will premier in that... Read more


Exorcism ministry established to deal with demonic possessions in Mexico

Mar 8, 2004

In the face of increasing numbers of demonic possessions, the Diocese of Querétaro, Mexico, has created an Exorcism Ministry, headed... Read more


Fall River gears up for centennial celebrations

Mar 8, 2004

The Diocese of Fall River will mark its 100th anniversary with a mass of thanksgiving at the Cathedral of St.... Read more


Catholic Church in Russia ‘emerges from the ashes of atheism,’ bishop says

Mar 8, 2004

The Catholic Church in Russia "is going through a phase of rebirth," which is being led by the youth, says... Read more


"Apostolorum Successores": New directory for Bishops

Mar 8, 2004

The Congregation for Bishops has just published "Apostolorum successores," A Directory for the Pastoral Ministry of Bishops, in answer to... Read more


Documents reveal Roe v. Wade nearly overturned in 1992

Mar 8, 2004

Recently found documents reveal that Roe v. Wade was nearly overturned by the United States Supreme Court in 1992, reported... Read more


Four new appointed Bishops for United States

Mar 8, 2004

The Holy Father appointed Bishop Robert Joseph McManus, auxiliary of the diocese of Providence, as bishop of Worcester, Msgr. Robert... Read more

'Passion' still first at box office in its second weekend

Mar 7, 2004

“The Passion of The Christ” remained the top draw at the North American box office this past weekend, grossing about... Read more


Newspaper’s ban of “pro-life” causes mix-up

Mar 7, 2004

The Los Angeles Times’ policy to ban the phrase “pro-life” created some confusion last month when music critic Mark Swed... Read more


“Passion” premier in Latin America moved up

Mar 7, 2004

20th Century Fox has decided to move up the premier of “The Passion of the Christ” in Latin America due... Read more