Latest Catholic News

Vatican presents book with shocking stories of martyrdom in Eastern churches

Mar 22, 2004

Cardinal Ignace Moussa I Daoud, Prefect of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches, presented this morning at the Holy See... Read more


Pope appoints new bishops for New Jersey and Montana

Mar 22, 2004

Pope John Paul II appointed today Bishop Joseph Anthony Galante, coadjutor of Dallas (Texas) as the new Bishop of Camden... Read more


“National Right To Life” decision to kill South Dakota pro-life bill sparks controversy

Mar 22, 2004

The Thomas More Law Center has accused National Right to Life of “betraying the unborn,” after the well-known pro-life organization... Read more


Catholic schools to close in Chicago, reorganize this fall

Mar 22, 2004

The Archdiocese of Chicago announced the closure of four more elementary schools Monday in order to create a regional school... Read more


Socialists in Spain announce end of religious education, violating Concordat with the Holy See

Mar 22, 2004

The newly elected Spanish government, under the leadership if the Socialist PSOE party, has announced it will immediately strip religious... Read more


Successful opening weekend for “The Passion” in Latin America

Mar 22, 2004

Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ” has become a box-office hit in Latin America, out-selling any other movie in... Read more


Mexican Bishop invites fallen-away Catholics to “return home” this Lent

Mar 22, 2004

In a message for  the Lenten season, Bishop Felipe Arizmendi Esquivel of San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico, called on... Read more


Pope defends rights of persons in "vegetative" state, questions term "vegetative"

Mar 21, 2004

Any "patient in a vegetative state had the right to basic sanitary assistance – food, water and hygiene – and... Read more


Holy See deplores killing of Palestinean radical leader

Mar 21, 2004

The Vatican Spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls, said this morning that "the Holy See joins the international community in deploring" the killing... Read more


After proclaiming four new blessed, Pope encourages Spaniards after attack

Mar 21, 2004

On Sunday, after proclaiming four new blessed -two of them Spanish, - Pope John Paul encouraged again Spaniards after the... Read more


4,000 Catholic men gather for fellowship, spiritual strength

Mar 21, 2004

Nearly 4,000 men, ranging from pre-teens to the elderly, attended the 10th annual Catholic Men's Conference, March 20, organized to... Read more


Vatican policy will oppose pulling out of Iraq, expert predicts

Mar 21, 2004

Sandro Magister, religious reporter of the Italian weekly L’Espresso and a noted Vatican analyst, claims in his weekly report that... Read more


Suffering of Jesus in “The Passion” touching hearts, says Brazilian bishop

Mar 21, 2004

The head of the Brazilian Bishops Conference’s Committee for Culture, Education and Social Communications, Bishop Orani João Tempesta of Sao... Read more


Bishops of Argentina express strong support for “The Passion”

Mar 21, 2004

On the occasion of the release of “The Passion of the Christ” in Argentina on Thursday, March 25, the official... Read more


Peruvian bishops call for defense of human life against “reproductive health policy”

Mar 21, 2004

In order to mark the celebration of the “Day of the Unborn Child,” which falls on March 25, the Feast... Read more


Jim Caviezel talks with CNA about faith after "The Passion of the Christ"

Mar 18, 2004

Jim Caviezel, the actor who played Jesus in Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ”, spoke with the Catholic News... Read more


Cardinal Keeler urges passage of Unborn Victims of Violence Act

Mar 18, 2004

Cardinal William Keeler has urged the Senate to pass a bill that would recognize unborn children as second victims when... Read more


Priest warns religious of dependence on the Internet

Mar 18, 2004

An article in the last issue of the bimonthly “Consecrated Life” warns of the dependence some men or women religious... Read more


3-11: “I offer my heartfelt forgiveness to the terrorists and I pray God touches their hearts”

Mar 18, 2004

In the wake of the terrorist attacks in Spain on 3/11, which left more than 200 dead 1,500 wounded, dozens... Read more


Colombian Archbishop: “We forgive those responsible for the assassination”

Mar 18, 2004

During a solemn Mass celebrated in St. Peter’s Cathedral, Archbishop Juan Francisco Sarasti of Cali, Colombia, said the Church has... Read more