Latest Catholic News


Christian alternative to Girl Scouts growing in U.S.

Mar 29, 2004

The Christian-based American Heritage Girls seems to be growing across the U.S. as an alternative to the Girl Scouts, which... Read more


Abortion similar to terrorist acts, says Spanish bishop

Mar 29, 2004

Bishop Jose Gea Escolano of Mondoñedo-Ferrol, Spain, compared abortion to terrorism and questioned why people don’t react to it in... Read more


Brazilians hoping for legal recognition of Day of the Unborn Child

Mar 29, 2004

As thousands of people around the world celebrated the Day of the Unborn Child on March 25, Brazilians commemorated the... Read more


Archbishop asks government to promote abstinence among Puerto Rican young people

Mar 29, 2004

During the Mass for the Day of the Unborn Child, celebrated on March 25, the Archbishop of San Juan, Puerto... Read more


Virginity pledges lower out-of-wedlock births

Mar 29, 2004

A new study from The Heritage Foundation has found that young women, who take an abstinence or virginity pledge, are... Read more


Holy Land needs new leaders, says patriarch

Mar 29, 2004

Latin Patriarch Michel Sabbah said new Israeli and Palestinian leaders, bolder religious leaders and an end to suicide bombings are... Read more


Pope says frequent Confession needed to achieve holiness

Mar 28, 2004

Addressing the participants of a course on the “internal forum” organized by the Tribunal of the Apostolic Penitentiary, Pope John... Read more


Moving testimony of martyrdom in Communist Europe to be released tomorrow

Mar 28, 2004

In an article entitled, "The Gulag Archipelago in Romania: The Story No One Has Told Before," the noted Vatican expert... Read more


Pope makes plight in favor of Children in distress around the world

Mar 28, 2004

Pope John Paul II centered his Angelus prayer on Sunday on the critical situation of children in the world who... Read more


Pope receives first group of US Bishops in Ad Limina Visit

Mar 28, 2004

Pope John Paul II received in separate audiences the first group of US bishops on their Ad Limina visit. Read more


Pope recalls 10th anniversary of the tragedy in Rwanda

Mar 28, 2004

After reciting the Angelus on Sunday, Pope John Paul II recalled the ethnic clashes in Rwanda that ended in genocide... Read more


USCCB applauds passage of Unborn Victims of Violence Act

Mar 28, 2004

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops applauded the Senate for passing the Unborn Victims of Violence Act, S. 1019,... Read more


English churches hope more people will be ‘connected to Jesus’ through ‘Passion’

Mar 28, 2004

In an effort to bring Jesus to the people, churches in England are trying to bring the people to the... Read more


Marriage and family rally set for San Francisco

Mar 28, 2004

A prayer rally in support of marriage and family will be held in San Francisco this week, the day before... Read more


Catholic priest and rabbi to participate in debate on “The Passion of the Christ” in Argentina

Mar 28, 2004

An Argentinean discussion group is organizing a debate on Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ” on March 30 between... Read more

“Passion of the Christ” moves man to confess murder

Mar 25, 2004

The Houston Chronicle reported on Thursday that a case of apparent suicide has been ruled a murder after a 21-year-old... Read more


Bishops must be “fearless prophets,” Pope tells Australian episcopate

Mar 25, 2004

Speaking to a group of bishops from Australia who are in Rome for their “ad limina” visit, Pope John Paul... Read more


Unborn Victims of Violence Act passed by the Senate

Mar 25, 2004

An important piece of pro-life legislation could be soon signed by President Bush after the Senate passed yesterday the Unborn... Read more


Cardinal Secretary of State celebrated Mass for victims of March 11

Mar 25, 2004

Cardinal Angelo Sodano, Vatican’s Secretary of State, presided at a Mass on Friday at St. Mary Major Basilica for the... Read more


American Life League urges archbishop to ban Kerry

Mar 25, 2004

The American Life League has requested that Archbishop Sean O’Malley of Boston “consider further action” against Senator John F. Kerry... Read more