Latest Catholic News


Bishop asks FARC to release priest kidnapped a month ago

Apr 14, 2004

Bishop Jairo Jaramillo Monsalve of Santa Rosa de Osos, Colombia, is calling on the leaders of FARC (the Armed Revolutionary... Read more


Spanish bishop says Catholic parents should request religious education for their children

Apr 14, 2004

In a recent pastoral letter, Archbishop Luis Martinez Sistach, of Tarragona, Spain, said Catholic parents should request their kids be... Read more


Christians need personal encounter with the risen Christ, Pope says

Apr 13, 2004

During his first General Audience of this Easter Season, Pope John Paul II said before some 25,000 pilgrims that Christians... Read more


Doctors recommend Pope allow assistant to read catechesis

Apr 13, 2004

Pope John Paul did not read the catechesis during Wednesday’s general audience following a recommendation of his personal physician, Dr.... Read more


Catholic schools need to teach about Catholic heroes, says Archbishop O’Malley

Apr 13, 2004

Catholic schools must teach students about Catholic heroes, especially in the current social climate, characterized by sexual immorality and an... Read more


Italian scientists find puzzling image on back of Turin shroud

Apr 13, 2004

Italian scientists have found another image on the back of the Shroud of Turin, reported The Guardian yesterday. The scientists... Read more


National Shrine begins effort to complete ceiling mosaic

Apr 13, 2004

After more than 35 years, the National Shrine will embellish in colorful mosaic a third dome in the Great Upper... Read more


Uruguayan Senate to vote on abortion law Wednesday

Apr 13, 2004

The Uruguayan Senate is set to vote on Wednesday on a bill that would legalize abortion for any reason during... Read more


Health Ministry to provide abortion pill to victims of rape in Chile

Apr 13, 2004

Despite a Chilean Supreme Court ruling that “the morning after pill” is abortifacient, the country’s Health Ministry announced it will... Read more


Venezuelan bishops to bring Vatican up to speed on their country’s crisis

Apr 13, 2004

The Bishops Conference of Venezuela issued a statement yesterday announcing that the body’s president, Archbishop Baltasar Porras, has traveled to... Read more


Pro-abortion politicians should not receive Communion, says pro-life priest group

Apr 12, 2004

Priests for Life issued a statement yesterday on whether pro-abortion politicians should receive the Eucharist after Democratic presidential candidate John... Read more


Preach on reconciliation and faith and public life: Bishop Aquila

Apr 12, 2004

Priests must preach on the sacrament of reconciliation and the need to reconcile faith and public life in order to... Read more


Catholics, Evangelicals hold joint public celebrations for Holy Week

Apr 12, 2004

Hundreds of Catholics and Evangelicals joined together in song and prayer in a first-time public display of faith and devotion... Read more


Church leaders in Canada say no to US sponsored ballistic missile defence project

Apr 12, 2004

Canadian church leaders are trying to convince the Canadian government not to participate in a ballistic missile defence (BMD) system,... Read more


Cardinal Bergoglio says Catholic Charities not just another NGO

Apr 12, 2004

During the inauguration of a new Catholic Charities center in Buenos Aires, Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, Archbishop of the Argentinean capital,... Read more


Church in Colombia calls for release of hostages during Easter season

Apr 12, 2004

At the beginning of the Easter Season, Cardinal Pedro Rubiano Saenz, Archbishop of Bogota and President of the Colombian Bishops... Read more


Venezuelan Cardinal denounces “dictatorial tendencies” of Chavez

Apr 12, 2004

Cardinal Rosalio Castillo Lara, who worked with Pope John Paul II at the Vatican and is now retired and living... Read more


Mary, model of Christians during Easter, Pope says on “Angel’s Monday”

Apr 11, 2004

Mary is the model of the Christian community during Easter, “who rejoices in the Easter of her Lord, the source... Read more


Pope calls on Christians to be beacons of Christ’s hope, peace

Apr 11, 2004

In his Easter message delivered “Urbi et Orbi” (to the City and the World) on Easter Sunday, Pope called on... Read more


Cardinal McCarrick says Kerry taking communion is “an issue”

Apr 11, 2004

While Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry received Holy Communion to mark Easter at the Paulist Center in Boston, Cardinal Theodore... Read more