Latest Catholic News


Patriarch of Venice inaugurates learning center

Apr 29, 2004

Cardinal Angelo Scola, the Patriarch of Venice, inaugurated this week the Studium Generale Marcianum, a new learning center that seeks... Read more


Beatification for doctor and father of five

Apr 29, 2004

The cause for beatification of Dr. Maria Mullerat of Spain has advanced this week, as Archbishop Lluis Martinez of Tarragona... Read more


Chirac confirms illegality of homosexual unions and calls for sanctions

Apr 29, 2004

After the mayor of a small town in France announced he would officiate at the country’s first homosexual wedding, French... Read more


“Holiness central to life and identity of every Bishop,” says Pope

Apr 28, 2004

Addressing bishops from the ecclesiastical provinces of Baltimore and Washington who end their ‘ad limina’ visit today, the Holy Father... Read more


Catholics must promote ‘freedom for’ more than ‘freedom from,’ says Cardinal Dulles

Apr 28, 2004

Catholics in the United States must live and promote a positive approach to liberty, conceived more as “freedom for” something... Read more


"Blood of the martyrs, seeds of the Church" - International colloquium on the martyrs in Paris

Apr 28, 2004

The martyrs of the Soviet Union, Ukraine and Africa were the focus of a one-day colloquium on the martyrs of... Read more


Campaign funds will not support those who ‘betrayed’ the Church: Bishop McDonnell

Apr 28, 2004

At the launch of Springfield’s annual diocesan campaign yesterday, Bishop Timothy McDonnell assured the faithful that funds raised would in... Read more


French Justice Minister says homosexual unions “against the law”

Apr 28, 2004

France’s Justice Minister, Dominique Perben, said this week the “marriage” between two homosexuals, which Green party member of parliament and... Read more


“Eucharistic Expo” to be part of International Eucharistic Congress in Guadalajara

Apr 28, 2004

As a part of the activities of the 2004 International Eucharistic Congress, the Archdiocese of Guadalajara will organize a “Eucharistic... Read more


Archbishop Porras: International community is concerned about Venezuela

Apr 28, 2004

Speaking from Spain, where he is participating in a conference in Santiago de Compostela, Arcbishsop Baltazar Porras, President of the... Read more


Evangelization of world requires 'experts' in the Eucharist, says Pope

Apr 28, 2004

“To evangelize the world there is need of apostles who are 'experts' in the celebration, adoration and contemplation of the... Read more


Seek God’s face in prayer, says Pope

Apr 27, 2004

Pope John Paul II taught today that the way to attain the vision of God’s face in this life is... Read more


“Still much to accomplish” to eliminate nuclear threat, says Vatican U.N. observer

Apr 27, 2004

Although the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) “has contributed to international peace and security, there is still... Read more


National prayer breakfast shows U.S. Church is ‘alive’

Apr 27, 2004

The first ever National Catholic Prayer Breakfast held this morning is “evidence that the Church is alive and well in... Read more


Cardinal not 'comfortable' denying Communion

Apr 27, 2004

The cardinal in charge of a new task force, which will decide if Catholic politicians who advocate positions counter to... Read more


Church closures affect wedding plans in Boston

Apr 27, 2004

They’ve confirmed the guest list, the catering and the flowers, but couples scheduled to get married in the Archdiocese of... Read more


Prelate attempts to bring calm to southeastern Peru

Apr 27, 2004

Msgr. Elio Perez, Prelate of the Vicariate of Juli, Peru, has traveled to the country’s southeastern area on the border... Read more


Archbishop denounces legislature’s initiative to sterilize poor Argentineans

Apr 27, 2004

The Archbishop of La Plata, Héctor Aguer, denounced an initiative from the Legislature of Buenos Aires to promote the surgical... Read more


“Join the world of science and culture to the truth of the faith,” exhorts Pope

Apr 26, 2004

This morning the Holy Father summoned “Ecclesiastical cultural institutions” to “welcome, study, apply and develop the consequences” of the teaching... Read more


Long-awaited Compendium of Catechism in final stages, announces Vatican

Apr 26, 2004

The Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, a valuable instrument for the transmission of the faith eagerly anticipated... Read more