Latest Catholic News

New poll: Americans prefer funding stem-cell research that does not destroy embryos

Aug 23, 2004

Despite claims about the benefits of embryonic stem-cell research, Americans strongly prefer funding research that does not require destroying human... Read more


British MPs call for review of abortion law

Aug 23, 2004

Forty-seven British MPs have signed Early Day Motions, welcoming new scientific images showing young foetuses "walking in the womb" at... Read more


Leading ethicist says embryos are human life, should not be cloned

Aug 23, 2004

A well-respected medical ethicist from one of Canada’s leading universities says Canada must not legalize embryonic cloning for any purpose,... Read more


Canadian Jesuits battle Wal-Mart

Aug 23, 2004

In a classic David and Goliath struggle, the Canadian Jesuits are up against one of the world’s largest corporations in... Read more


Two priests attacked inside church in Jharkhand, India

Aug 23, 2004

Last Sunday night in the city of Kubbu, in Jharkand state, eastern India, an armed gang entered a Catholic Church... Read more


Catholics For a Free Choice open office in Chile

Aug 23, 2004

The pro-abortion, feminist organization “Catholics For a Free Choice” has opened its first office in Chile and begun issuing statements... Read more


Cardinal Lopez Trujillo expresses support of Latin America for canonization of Queen Isabel of Spain

Aug 23, 2004

The President of the Pontifical Council for the Family, Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, said in Avila this week the bishops... Read more


Mexican bishops recommend increasing security at churches to ward off theft

Aug 23, 2004

The President of the Bishops Conference of Mexico, Bishop Jose Guadalupe Martin Rabago, recommended this week that priests increase security... Read more


Interfaith marriage can be sign of ‘love and life’: Asian bishops

Aug 23, 2004

Interfaith marriage is an opportunity for a “dialogue of words, love and life,” say the Asian bishops in the final... Read more

Pope announces return of Our Lady of Kazan icon to Russia this week

Aug 22, 2004

Before the Angelus yesterday, Pope John Paul II remarked that August is an important month for many Marian churches and... Read more


Hispanic Business Leaders and Bishops meet in Denver, commit to promoting Ecclesia in America

Aug 22, 2004

Hispanic business and community leaders met with regional bishops, including Archbishop Charles Chaput of Denver, at the St. Malo Conference... Read more


Use American talent to do business but bring in Faith, says Archbishop to Hispanic leaders

Aug 22, 2004

Archibishop Charles Chaput of Denver spoke to prominent Catholic businessmen on the relationship of the Christian with money at the... Read more


Russian Catholics hope to pray in front of icon of Our Lady of Kazan before it is handed over to Orthodox

Aug 22, 2004

Parishioners of the Immaculate Conception Cathedral in Moscow have asked their Archbishop Mgr. Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz about the possibility of praying... Read more


Liturgy is ‘a school for holiness’: Cardinal Sodano

Aug 22, 2004

The Eucharist leads the faithful to holiness and is the secret to the New Evangelization, said Angelo Cardinal Sodano, the... Read more


Kazan icon to be venerated before being given to Russian Church

Aug 22, 2004

In the few days before the Vatican’s icon of Our Lady of Kazan will make its way to Russia and... Read more


Expectation in Russia for return of Marian icon

Aug 22, 2004

Shortly after the papal announcement at Castelgandolfo regarding the return of an icon of Our Lady of Kazan to the... Read more


Ukrainian patriarch celebrates Ukrainian national holiday in upstate New York

Aug 22, 2004

Cardinal Lubomyr Husar, patriarch of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, made a rare visit to Rochester and Irondequoit Aug. 21 to... Read more


Military chaplains keep ‘U.S. military machine running,’ says press report

Aug 22, 2004

Alongside U.S. troops, on a battlefield of intense bombing and gunfire, stands one unarmed man – a military chaplain –... Read more


Thirty-three parishes in Fargo to close by 2010

Aug 22, 2004

Thirty-three parishes in rural North Dakota will close within the next six years due a shift of the population to... Read more


Church is most trustworthy institution for most Nicaraguans

Aug 22, 2004

A national poll in Nicaragua has revealed that despite a general distrust of institutions, 70% of Nicaraguans consider the Catholic... Read more