Latest Catholic News


Russian Patriarch responds to Pope’s gesture, insists on “respect” for Orthodox territories

Aug 30, 2004

The Russian Orthodox Patriarch Alexy II sent a letter to Pope John Paul II thanking him for the handing over... Read more


U.S. bishops urge FCC to adapt rules so public can oppose indecency

Aug 30, 2004

U.S. broadcasters should be required to maintain archives of the programs they air and make them easily available in order... Read more


Insurers refuse to meet damage settlements in Los Angeles abuse cases

Aug 30, 2004

Insurers for the dioceses of Los Angeles and Orange are balking at paying the possible damages claimed by hundreds of... Read more


Newspaper campaign assists Catholic refugees from Vietnam

Aug 30, 2004

A local newspaper in Northern Wisconsin has launched a campaign to help the nearly 500 Catholic refugees, who are arriving... Read more


Church in Colombia laments no new peace initiatives by rebels

Aug 30, 2004

The Vice President of the Colombian Bishops Conference, Bishop Luis Augusto Castro, expressed disappointment this week that the response of... Read more


Cardinal encourages fostering of a “culture of vocations” in Brazil

Aug 30, 2004

During the opening of the Second Vocations Congress, taking place at the headquarters of the Bishops Conference of Brazil, Cardinal... Read more


Experts say streamlining of divorce laws will be devastating for the family

Aug 30, 2004

The President of the Institute for Family Policy in Spain, Eduardo Hertfelder, said the Socialist government’s proposal to speed up... Read more


Pope says Christians must bear witness even to the cost of suffering

Aug 29, 2004

During the Angelus yesterday, Pope John Paul II called on all Christians to be ready to bear witness to the... Read more


Pope prays for persecuted Christians around the world

Aug 29, 2004

Pope John Paul II paid tribute to the martyrs of the faith and to the thousands of Christians around the... Read more


Olympian dedicates gold medal to Jesus

Aug 29, 2004

Taekwondo champion Moon Dae Sung dedicated his Olympic gold medal to Jesus after knocking out his opponent in the first... Read more


Bishop in Venezuela says diocese will work for post-referendum national reconciliation

Aug 29, 2004

Speaking with local reporters, Bishop Mario Moronta of San Cristobal, Venezuela, said "the ministry of reconciliation falls to the Church"... Read more


Brazilian bishops remind judges that anacephaly babies are persons too

Aug 29, 2004

The Bishops Conference of Brazil has sent a message to the Brazilian Supreme Court reminding the justices that babies suffering... Read more


Cardinal Bergoglio calls on Argentineans to "never get used to" poverty

Aug 29, 2004

In a recent letter to catechists in Buenos Aires, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Archbishop of the Argentinean capital, said the... Read more


Ad campaign to serve as guide to Catholic voters

Aug 29, 2004

A Catholic apologetics organization is taking out a full-page ad in the country's largest national newspaper tomorrow to tell Catholics... Read more


College faculty defend attack on Christian belief as free speech

Aug 29, 2004

The faculty at Black Hawk College in Illinois have come to the defense of a sociology professor's right to free... Read more


USCCB regrets NY judge saying partial-birth abortion is 'brutal'… but constitutional

Aug 29, 2004

The USCCB encourages the appeal of a court decision made last week, which found the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act unconstitutional. Read more

EWTN to release interview: Mel Gibson explains life after “The Passion”

Aug 26, 2004

EWTN announced this Friday that Actor and Academy Award-winning director and producer Mel Gibson sat down with Raymond Arroyo this... Read more


Vatican Cardinal says promoters of abortion have no place in the Church

Aug 26, 2004

The President of the Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care, Cardinal Javier Lozano Barragan, said this week in Mexico that... Read more


Our Lady of Kazan icon arrives in Russia

Aug 26, 2004

The much venerated icon of Our Lady of Kazan has arrived in Moscow on the eve of the Eastern Orthodox... Read more


Killing of Italian hostage condemned by Pope and prime minister

Aug 26, 2004

Pope John Paul II  issued a ''firm condemnation'' of the execution of an Italian hostage, saying he hoped that all... Read more