Latest Catholic News


Pending abuse trial may trigger bankruptcy decision in Tucson diocese

Sep 5, 2004

Bishop Gerald Kicanas of Tucson must decide whether to file Chapter 11 bankruptcy for the diocese by the end of... Read more


Pope tells European youth to not be afraid of witnessing to Christ

Sep 5, 2004

In Loreto on Saturday, during a gathering of prayer and celebration, more than 15,000 young people listened to a recorded... Read more


Pope to lay people: Holiness is greatest gift to Church and world

Sep 5, 2004

During the celebration of  a Mass on Sunday September 5 in Loreto in which he beatified the Servants of God... Read more


Pope gives three "assignments" to laity: contemplation, communion, mission

Sep 5, 2004

At the end of the Angelus prayer after celebrating Mass in Loreto with 250,000 faithful, mostly members of the lay... Read more


Catholic Charities seeks foster families for resettling teen refugees

Sep 5, 2004

That’s what Catholic Charities in San Jose is seeking for the first-ever program in California that will train couples to... Read more


Bishop denounces destruction of the religious culture in Spain

Sep 5, 2004

Addressing thousands of faithful together with political leaders gathered in the Cathedral of Palencia, Spain, to celebrate its patron saint,... Read more


New monastic community assumes care of St. Paul Outside the Walls in Rome

Sep 5, 2004

A new monastic community called the Fraternity of Jesus has replaced the Benedictines as the caretakers of the Roman basilica... Read more


Argentinean Cardinal says social reconciliation begins with God

Sep 5, 2004

During a Mass for the National Eucharistic Congress in Argentina, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Archbishop of Buenos Aires, called on... Read more

Popularity of ‘Passion’ is world's longing for the Eucharist, Phoenix bishop says

Sep 2, 2004

The world is longing for communion with Christ and evidence of that is the box office success of Mel Gibson’s... Read more


Schedule of Pope’s trip to Marian shrine of Loreto announced

Sep 2, 2004

The Vatican released the schedule of the Holy father’s pilgrimage to the Marian shrine of Loreto this Sunday, September 5.... Read more


Catholic Church, Evangelical Christian team up against stem-cell research in CA

Sep 2, 2004

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and a wealthy evangelical Christian are the major funders to date of a campaign... Read more


Catholic Charities USA brace to help hurricane victims

Sep 2, 2004

Catholic Charities USA has launched a campaign in anticipation of the devastating effects of Hurricane Frances, which is expected to... Read more


New Canadian Supreme Court judges said to favor same-sex marriage

Sep 2, 2004

Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin appointed two judges to the Supreme Court of Canada, whose past rulings indicate that they... Read more


Church prepares to mark Patriot Day, Sept. 11

Sep 2, 2004

Masses, rallies and a dedication of a memorial are among the events planned for dioceses and parishes in the United... Read more


Bishops of Sudan issue plea for international help to stop genocide

Sep 2, 2004

The Bishops of Sudan have asked the United Nations and the international community to pressure the government of Khartoum to... Read more


Portuguese government justifies preventing abortion boat from entering waters

Sep 2, 2004

The Primer Minister of Portugal, Pedro Santana Lopes, guaranteed this week that the Dutch abortion boat operated by the feminist... Read more


Spanish bishop criticized abortion and divorce law

Sep 2, 2004

Bishop Jose Gea Escolano of Mondoñedo-Ferrol, criticized this week a legislative package the Socialist government is seeking to implement in... Read more


French Catholic schools open doors to Muslim girls expelled for wearing veils

Sep 2, 2004

Catholic schools in France have announced they would be willing to enroll Muslim girls who might be expelled from public... Read more


Church in world’s largest Muslim country about to become self-sufficient in priests

Sep 2, 2004

The Church in Indonesia, the world’s largest Muslim country, is receiving enough vocations to the priesthood that in a short... Read more


Pope encourages US Catholics to be witnesses to hope despite sex scandal

Sep 1, 2004

During an audience this morning with bishops from Boston and Hartford, the Holy Father encouraged Catholics in the U.S. to ... Read more