Latest Catholic News


Illinois columnist claims Catholic hospitals performing late term abortions

Sep 14, 2004

Two Catholic hospital systems, Loyola Health System in Chicago, and Providence Health System on the west coast and Alaska, commit... Read more


Canada grants world’s first same-sex divorce

Sep 14, 2004

A lesbian couple was granted a same-sex divorce Sept. 13, just 15 months after they were married by an Ontario... Read more


Abortion is only proportionate to itself, Ratzinger Priests for Life director clarifies Ratzinger memo

Sep 14, 2004

Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, has responded to the recent controversy concerning the distortion - by... Read more


Syrian Catholic Church supports Iraqi Christian refugees

Sep 14, 2004

Families fleeing Iraq after the Aug. 1 attacks on Christian churches have found safe haven in Syria, thanks to the... Read more


Pope accepts resignation of two U.S. auxiliary bishops

Sep 14, 2004

Today Pope John Paul II accepted the resignation from office of Bishop Francis X. Roque and of Bishop Joseph Madera,... Read more


Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception launches new virtual tour on website

Sep 14, 2004

In the 150th anniversary year of the Immaculate Conception, a complete virtual tour of the Basilica of the National Shrine... Read more


Quebec to start granting late-term abortions in local clinic

Sep 14, 2004

Dozens of Canadian women must travel to the United States to receive late-term abortions. But Quebec health officials are “hopeful”... Read more


Argentinean Bishop: Authentic sex-ed based on freedom and not on selfish pleasure

Sep 14, 2004

Bishop Jorge Luis Lona of San Luis, Argentina, criticized this week the false “sexual education” that has begun to be... Read more


Insensitivity to eternal values is not “modern progress”, warns Mexican Cardinal

Sep 14, 2004

The Archbishop of Mexico City, Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera, said during Mass at the Metropolitan Cathedral that insensitivity to eternal... Read more


Dominican Cardinal denounces youth crisis as consequence of broken families

Sep 14, 2004

The Archbishop of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, Cardinal Nicolas de Jesus Lopez Rodriguez, lamented the growing involvement of young people... Read more


Dozens of homeless occupy church in downtown Bogota

Sep 14, 2004

Around 80 homeless are occupying a church in downtown Bogota, storming the building after the conclusion of Mass yesterday.  As... Read more


Pro-Kerry Catholic activists denounce politicking in Catholic Churches

Sep 13, 2004

In a press release issued today two Pro-Kerry Catholics who head Catholics for Kerry groups in Columbus, Ohio, and Boston,... Read more


Pope, Vatican Secretary of State, meet with Israeli Interior Minister

Sep 13, 2004

Pope John Paul II received Israeli Interior Minister Avraham Poraz, this morning at Castelgandolfo, after the minister’s meeting with Vatican... Read more


Cardinal Castrillon encourages bishops to give a reason for Church’s hope

Sep 13, 2004

Speaking to a group of bishops gathered in Rome this week, Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos, Prefect of the Congregation for... Read more


Man criticizes bishop for stance on Communion for pro-abortion politicians

Sep 13, 2004

A university professor assailed Bishop Richard Joseph Malone of Maine with words of criticism at an anti-abortion luncheon Saturday, for... Read more


Boston diocese faces 140 new claims of sexual abuse

Sep 13, 2004

The Archdiocese of Boston is facing another 140 claims of sexual abuse less than one year after paying out $85... Read more


Bishop seeks reconciliation with sex-abuse victims, pastor

Sep 13, 2004

A mass on Sunday, celebrated by Bishop Timothy McDonnell of Springfield at St. Michael’s Parish, was a moment of reconciliation... Read more


Bishop granted right of oversight in sexual-abuse allegations

Sep 13, 2004

Maricopa County’s top prosecutor said he has confidence in the current bishop of the Diocese of Pheonix and in the... Read more


Canadian Church funds are still getting through to Iraqi people

Sep 13, 2004

The Canadian bishops’ aid and emergency-relief agency says its partner-agencies in Iraq are still operating in the war-torn country, despite... Read more


Doctors denounce Spanish film that presents “sentimental apology for euthanasia”

Sep 13, 2004

The President of the Association of Christian Doctors of Catalonia, Josep Maria Simon, said the movie “Mar adentro,” which was... Read more