Latest Catholic News


DA announces Bishop Dupre will not be prosecuted because of statute of limitations

Sep 26, 2004

Hampden District Attorney William Bennett announced on Monday afternoon that he cannot prosecute Roman Catholic Bishop Thomas Dupre on child... Read more

U.S. bishops may appoint nun as head of review board, sources say

Sep 26, 2004

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops was planning Saturday to appoint a nun to the lay review board on sexual... Read more


Vatican acknowledges grave risk posed by WMD and nuclear proliferation in the Middle East

Sep 26, 2004

At a conference delivered on September 22, during the 48th Conference of The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA,) the Vatican... Read more


Pope says charity also applies to rich countries in regard to poor ones

Sep 26, 2004

During yesterday’s Angelus, Pope John Paul II spoke of the application of charity in regard to the relationship between rich... Read more


Europe needs Christian values to build a better society, says Pope

Sep 26, 2004

In a message for the occasion of the Social Weeks of France, held from September 23 to 26 in Lille,... Read more


Amarillo bishop says no Communion to pro-abortion politicians

Sep 26, 2004

A Texas bishop has asked Catholics in his diocese to inform him if they know pro-abortion Catholic politicians so that... Read more


Renew fidelity to original charism, says Pope to religious

Sep 23, 2004

The Pope stressed the important need to “constantly renew fidelity” to  the “original charism” by “permanent care of the spiritual... Read more


Florida Supreme Court decides ‘Terri's Law’ is unconstitutional

Sep 23, 2004

Based on the unanimous ruling of the Florida Supreme Court yesterday, Terri Schiavo’s feeding tube should be removed, but it... Read more


Planned Parenthood to launch major abortion campaign in Latin America

Sep 23, 2004

Financial documents, obtained by Friday Fax, reveal that the International Planned Parenthood Federation plans to launch an aggressive campaign to... Read more

BBC scraps Pope cartoon under pressure

Sep 23, 2004

The British Broadcasting Corp. has scrapped the animation series “Popetown”, following the petition signed by more than 6,000 Catholics. Read more


Pledge cases stripped from courts is good but not enough, says Catholic League

Sep 23, 2004

Catholic League president William Donohue supported the House of Representatives’ decision yesterday to prevent the federal courts from ruling on... Read more


Holy See: Sports and Tourism aid development of societies

Sep 23, 2004

The 25th World Tourism Day, to be held on  September 27, will focus on the theme "Sports and Tourism: Two... Read more


Gibson to receive producer award

Sep 23, 2004

Mel Gibson will receive the Hollywood Film Festival’s Producer of the Year Award later next month for his religious epic,... Read more


Costa Rica President demands UN defend life

Sep 23, 2004

In an eloquent message delivered to the UN General Assembly, the President of Cosa Rica, Abel Pacheco, called on the... Read more


Vatican newspaper calls for hope in wake of kidnappings in Iraq

Sep 23, 2004

The offical Vatican newspaper “L ‘Osservatore Romano,” is calling on Italians not to lose hope in response to terrorist statements... Read more


Spanish bishops vow to continue speaking out in order to “awaken” Catholic consciences

Sep 23, 2004

The bishops of Spain expressed this week their intention to continue speaking out “in opportune and timely moments” in an... Read more


Italian young people to hit streets of Rome with message of evangelization

Sep 23, 2004

From October 1-10, some 400 Italian young people will take to the streets of Rome to proclaim the Word of... Read more


“Stay faithful to your history” of witnessing to God, says Pope to Benedictines

Sep 22, 2004

Pope John Paul II received Benedictine Abbots and Priors at Castelgandolfo this morning and encouraged them to “stay faithful” to... Read more


President of Costa Rica puts forth initiative for international ban on human cloning

Sep 22, 2004

The Costa Rican President, Dr. Abel Pacheco called on U.N. member nations at the General Assembly on Monday September 21... Read more


Catholic university invites pro-abortion candidate to address student body

Sep 22, 2004

Benedictine University has invited pro-abortion Illinois Democratic senator Barack Obama to speak to its student body Oct. 5. Read more