Latest Catholic News


Brazilian bishops satisfied with Supreme Court decision on abortion

Oct 24, 2004

The Bishops Conference of Brazil published an official statement expressing satisfaction at the decision of the Supreme Court on October... Read more


Davenport may be third U.S. diocese to file for bankruptcy protection in recent months

Oct 21, 2004

The Diocese of Davenport may file for bankruptcy protection today if it does not win a four-month delay in a... Read more


Latest Anglican report unlikely to bring healing, says Christian journalist

Oct 21, 2004

A contributing editor of Christianity Today says the Anglican Church’s recent Windsor Report will be painful for many conservative Anglicans... Read more


Second Utah city within five months wins Ten Commandments monument fight

Oct 21, 2004

A ruling released Oct. 20 states that Duchesne City, Utah, acted constitutionally when it sold land on which a Ten... Read more


Supreme Court reverses ruling that legalized anacephaly abortion in Brazil

Oct 21, 2004

In an expected move, the Supreme Court of Brazil reversed a ruling by one of its judges in July that... Read more


Bishops call on Fox to ensure Mexico votes against human cloning at UN

Oct 21, 2004

The Bishops Conference of Mexico issued a statement this week addressed to President Vicente Fox, calling on the leader to... Read more


France begins expelling students who wear head scarves

Oct 21, 2004

French schools have begun expelling Muslim girls for wearing headscarves to class in defiance of a new law banning religious... Read more


Venezuelan bishops encourage participation in regional elections

Oct 21, 2004

With regional and municipal elections just two weeks away, the Bishops Conference of Venezuela issued a statement exhorting the populace... Read more

Abortion is a human rights issue, not only religious, says Archbishop

Oct 21, 2004

Archbishop Charles Chaput of Denver, in an op-ed piece published in today’s New York Times, blasted the notion that moral... Read more


Chaste love defends the family against attack and fights AIDS, says Pope

Oct 21, 2004

Pope John Paul II, in an address to bishops from Angola and Sao Tome this morning – the 26th anniversary... Read more


Catholics, as voters or elected officials, must defend human person, bishop Wenski says

Oct 21, 2004

In a homily during the Closing Mass of the Catholic Leadership Conference held in Philadelphia yesterday, Bishop Thomas Wenski of... Read more


West Virginia Bishop: abortion is 'Greatest Evil of Our Age'

Oct 21, 2004

In the light of statistics that indicate that “Catholics are no different than the general population in their opinion on... Read more


Vatican says 'No' to cloning at UN assembly

Oct 21, 2004

The Vatican has backed a treaty that completely bans human cloning as United Nations members began two days of debate... Read more


Be apostles with holiness of life, take Mary as model, says Pope to priests

Oct 20, 2004

Pope John Paul II addressed via satellite from the Vatican this morning over a thousand priests from eighty countries gathered... Read more

Church instrumental for integration of Hispanic immigrants, says Bishop Gomez

Oct 20, 2004

The integration of Hispanic immigrants in the United States will not be possible without the commitment of the Catholic Church,... Read more


Top Italian journalist examines who holds influence at the Vatican

Oct 20, 2004

Who holds power and influence at the Vatican? One of the top Vatican journalists in Italy, Sandro Magister, provides his... Read more


Milwaukee priests urge U.S. bishops not to decide on refusing Communion to pro-abortion politicians

Oct 20, 2004

In a letter addressed to Theodore Cardinal McCarrick and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Milwaukee Archdiocese Priest... Read more


Authentic communication founded on holiness, says Archbishop Foley

Oct 20, 2004

During his homily yesterday during the Mass for the dedication of the Blessed Columba Marmion Room for communications training for... Read more


Pope appoints new bishop of Salina, U.S.A

Oct 20, 2004

Pope John Paul II this morning appointed Fr. Paul S. Coakley of the clergy of Wichita, U.S.A., and vice chancellor... Read more


Anti-Catholicism has replaced anti-Semitism in Europe, says Messori

Oct 20, 2004

In an interview with the Italian newspaper, “Il Messagiero,” Italian journalist Vittorio Messori denounced anti-Catholicism in Europe as a substitution... Read more