Latest Catholic News


The five most important issues for Catholic voters

Oct 26, 2004

Abortion, "right to die" legislation, embryonic stem cell research, human cloning and same sex marriage are the five fundamental and... Read more


U.S. bishops launch national ad campaign to teach about stem-cell research

Oct 25, 2004

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) launched a nationwide two-week ad campaign on stem-cell research today. Read more


English translation of Pope's latest book now available

Oct 25, 2004

The English translation of Pope John Paul II’s latest book, entitled "Rise, Let Us Be on Our Way," has hit... Read more


Christian student group sues California college for discrimination

Oct 25, 2004

The Christian Legal Society chapter at the University of California, Hastings College of Law, filed a lawsuit Oct. 22 against... Read more


Pro-life groups denounce Red Cross collaboration with abortionists in Spain

Oct 25, 2004

The spokeswoman for the Association of Abortion Victims (AAV) in Spain, Victoria Uroz, denounced the Red Cross this week for... Read more


Cardinal Rivera warns that political confrontation could provoke more violence

Oct 25, 2004

The Archbishop of Mexico City, Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera, warned this week that if the current political confrontations are not... Read more


Bishops in Puerto Rico defend traditional concept of marriage

Oct 25, 2004

Archbishop Roberto Gonzalez of San Juan, Puerto Rico, issued a Pastoral Letter on the Family this past weekend in which... Read more


French Jewish group drops ad campaign that insults Jesus and Mary

Oct 25, 2004

An ad campaign intended to stem anti-Semitism in France got pulled at the last minute after its blatant disrespect for... Read more


Colombian bishops slam donation by Dutch group to Marxist rebels

Oct 25, 2004

The President of the Colombian Bishops Conference, Cardinal Pedro Rubiano Saenz, denounced a Danish non-governmental organization this week for making... Read more

Result of presidential election serious concern for world, says Knights of Columbus CEO

Oct 25, 2004

Knights of Columbus CEO Carl A. Anderson, consultor to the Pontifical Council on Justice and Peace who were meeting in... Read more


Vatican council discusses pastoral answers for world’s street children

Oct 25, 2004

The first International Meeting on Pastoral Care for Street Children was inaugurated yesterday in the Vatican by the Pontifical Council... Read more


Pope receives Polish pilgrims from new diocese

Oct 25, 2004

Pope John Paul II received 800 fellow Poles from the newly instituted diocese of Bydgoszcz in Poland, this morning who,... Read more


New compendium of social doctrine responds to current ethical, cultural, and pastoral challenges

Oct 24, 2004

Cardinal Renato Martino, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, presented the 500-page "Compendium of the Social Doctrine... Read more


Pope saddened by death of Cardinal Hickey

Oct 24, 2004

Pope John Paul II sent a telegram to Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, Archbishop of Washington, expressing his deep sadness upon learning... Read more


Archbishop-emeritus of Washington dies at 84

Oct 24, 2004

James Cardinal Hickey, former archbishop of Washington from 1980 to 2000, died yesterday in a local nursing home, run by... Read more


Larry Snyder named new head of Catholic Charities

Oct 24, 2004

Fr. Larry Snyder, who is currently executive director of Catholic Charities of St. Paul and Minneapolis, has been named president... Read more

Kerry says “I respect the bishops, but I respectfully disagree,” in speech on faith

Oct 24, 2004

In a campaign speech given in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, on Sunday, Sen. John Kerry, hoping to win undecided Catholic voters,... Read more


Reaction to Kerry speech from Catholic organizations

Oct 24, 2004

In the wake of Sen. John Kerry’s speech on his faith in Ft. Lauderdale on Sunday, Catholic organizations in America... Read more


Kofi Annan supports cloning of human embryos

Oct 24, 2004

UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has voiced his support for the cloning of human embryos for medical research in comments... Read more


Place talents at the service of the Church, says Pope to students

Oct 24, 2004

In his homily during the Mass for the inauguration of the academic year of ecclesiastical universities on Saturday October 23,... Read more