Latest Catholic News


Catholic groups run ads to counter previous ad that says abortion should not be sole election issue

Oct 27, 2004

Several Catholic groups have placed ads in The Pittsburgh Catholic to counter a previous ad, which says Catholics should not... Read more


Vermont bishop requests no sign of peace or wine be given to parishioners as ‘protective measure’ from flu

Oct 27, 2004

Catholics in Vermont have been asked to abstain from giving the sign of peace and receiving Communion from the chalice... Read more


Italian state defends crucifixes in schools, “for the good of the country”

Oct 27, 2004

Arguing before the Constitutional Court, the chief lawyer of the state of Italy, Antonio Palatiello, defended the presence of crucifixes... Read more


Archbishop reminds Puerto Ricans of “moral duty” to vote

Oct 27, 2004

Archbishop Roberto Gonzalez of San Juan reminded Puerto Ricans, who will vote for a new governor on November 2, that... Read more


Archbishop denounces de-Christianization in Argentina

Oct 27, 2004

Archbishop Hector Aguer of La Plata, Argentina, warned this week the country is suffering from a “continuous process of de-Christianization,”... Read more


French Catholics bring Jesus into the heart of the city in ‘urban mission’ project

Oct 27, 2004

Thousands of young Catholics from across Europe will be pouring into Paris over the course of the next week. No,... Read more


Cardinal Tomko said Pope is example of authority

Oct 27, 2004

Cardinal Jozef Tomko, Papal envoy to the 48th International Eucharistic Congress in Guadalajara, Mexico, said Pope John Paul II is... Read more


Notre Dame alumnus regrets misrepresentation of Catholic teachings by some U. officals

Oct 26, 2004

William McGurn, an executive with News Corp and writer of a weekly column for the New York Post regretted yesterday... Read more

Money, success, power, not absolute, can’t save us from death, says Pope

Oct 26, 2004

In today’s general audience Pope John Paul II said that reflection on death puts things we ususally consider absolute into... Read more


Abortionists request suspension of tax-exempt status of archdiocese, Catholic League counterattacks

Oct 26, 2004

A pro-abortion group that claims to be Catholic has requested that the tax-exempt status of the Archdiocese of Denver be... Read more


Pope shares in suffering of Iraq and of victims of terrorism

Oct 26, 2004

At the end of today’s general audience in St. Peter’s Square, Pope John Paul II expressed his “affectionate participation” in... Read more


Ambassador Flynn urges Catholics to take their values to the polls

Oct 26, 2004

A former U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican released a statement yesterday calling on Catholics to exercise “responsible citizenship” and take... Read more


Florida's Catholic bishops voice voting principles

Oct 26, 2004

Florida's nine bishops have joined other episcopal state conferences is issuing a statement in parishes this past weekend that urges... Read more


New Hampshire bishop issues Catholic voter’s guide

Oct 26, 2004

The Diocese of Manchester, New Hampshire, has issued a teaching guide for voters that says abortion, the destruction of human... Read more


Religious beliefs, freedom, not threat to peace but an "enduring resource" against terrorism

Oct 26, 2004

Archbishop Celestino Migliore, Holy See permanent observer to the United Nations, at a committee meeting on the issue of the... Read more


Orthodox dedicate "floating chapel" to saint who evangelized Russia

Oct 26, 2004

The Russian Orthodox Church is set to dedicate a new chapel boat on October 31 to St. Vladimir, the ruler... Read more


15,000 protest abortion policies of Spanish socialist party

Oct 26, 2004

According to figures from local police officials, some 15,000 people participated last Friday in a protest in Madrid against the... Read more


Paraguayan Archbishop calls for prayers for end to violence

Oct 26, 2004

Archbishop Pastor Cuquejo of Asuncion, Paraguay, called for prayers this week for the country’s leaders so that the wave of... Read more


Spain is "mission territory," land of much "religious ignorance," says Archbishop

Oct 26, 2004

Archbishop Jaume Pujol of Tarragona, Spain, said this week “religious ignorance is widespread” and therefore missionary work is needed not... Read more


Uruguayan bishops call Catholics to integrity in public and private life

Oct 26, 2004

With national elections just days away, the Permanent Council of the Uruguayan Bishops Conference issued a statement calling on Catholics... Read more