Latest Catholic News

Family is place of spiritual and moral formation of young people, says Pope

Nov 8, 2004

Pope John Paul II, receiving bishops this morning from the Episcopal Conference of the Indian Ocean (CEDOI), invited "Christian people... Read more


Make Christ present in the world through personal witness, says Pope to consecrated

Nov 8, 2004

Pope John Paul II, in a meeting with Teresian Carmelite Missionaries this morning, re-affirmed that the challenge of consecrated life... Read more


“Beauty of Christ” is inspiration for artistic patrimony over last 2000 years, says Pope

Nov 8, 2004

During a meeting today of the Coordinating Council Between Pontifical Academies, founded by Pope John Paul II in 1995,  Archbishop... Read more


Bush Administration confirms support for marriage amendment

Nov 8, 2004

Senior White House Advisor Karl Rove confirmed in an interview yesterday on FOX News Sunday that President George W. Bush... Read more


Democrats out of touch with traditional values, says former NCR editor

Nov 8, 2004

The former editor of the National Catholic Register, Francis X. Maier, says millions of Democrats across the country voted Republican... Read more


New book tells of married Catholics who met their spouses on the Internet

Nov 8, 2004

Twenty-five Catholic couples share about their relationships and how they met on a Catholic Web site called in a... Read more


Italians oppose same-sex marriage, adoption of children by gay couples

Nov 8, 2004

A poll conducted by Italy’s La Repubblica newspaper reveals that Italians are overwhelmingly opposed to the notion of “same-sex marriage”... Read more


Cardinal Rivera: Resurrection of Christ makes Christians free

Nov 8, 2004

The Archbishop of Mexico City, Cardinal Norberto Rivera, reminded believers this week that the resurrection of Christ “drives Christians to... Read more


Violence and force to achieve victory is no triumph, says Catholic magazine

Nov 8, 2004

The latest edition of the official Catholic magazine of the Archdiocese of Havana, “Palabra Nueva,” called on Cubans to banish... Read more


Cardinal Cipriani calls on Peruvians “to learn” to draw close to the mystery of the Eucharist

Nov 8, 2004

The Archbishop of Lima, Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani, called on all Peruvians this week to learn to draw close to... Read more


Bolivian Cardinal calls on candidates to defend human dignity

Nov 8, 2004

The president of the Bishops Conference of Bolivia and Archbishop of Santa Cruz, Cardinal Julio Terrazas, called on candidates for... Read more


Pope to preside at Mass for 150th anniversary of Immaculate Conception dogma

Nov 8, 2004

Mass for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, December 8, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the proclamation... Read more


Homosexual group to give sessions at national religion conference

Nov 8, 2004

The Gay Men's "Issues In Religion" Group will be presenting workshops at the American Academy of Religion's 2004 Annual Meeting... Read more

To benefit humanity, scientific creativity must be detached from ideology, profit, says Pope

Nov 7, 2004

This morning Pope John Paul II received participants of the plenary session of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, whose theme... Read more


Health plan not covering abortion or contraception now offered to federal employees

Nov 7, 2004

A Catholic-run health insurance plan which does not cover abortion, contraceptives or fertility treatment has been made available to federal... Read more


Eucharist is the pinnacle of prayer for the dead, says Pope

Nov 7, 2004

Pope John Paul II, prior to praying the Angelus yesterday with the faithful in St. Peter’s Square, reminded them that... Read more


Iraqi bishop says Islamists will not drive Christians out

Nov 7, 2004

An Iraqi archbishop said Islamists will not drive Christians out of Iraq because of their strong Christian faith. Read more


Groups will hold pray-in to stop pro-abortion senator from being reappointed

Nov 7, 2004

A coalition of pro-life groups is planning a "pray-in" Nov. 10 at the Dirksen Senate Office building to ask that... Read more


Seventh Canadian jurisdiction legalizes same-sex marriage

Nov 7, 2004

The seventh of 13 Canadian jurisdictions legalized same-sex marriage Nov. 5. A Saskatchewan court ruled that the traditional definition of... Read more


Quadriplegics in Spain issue unified statement against euthanasia

Nov 7, 2004

During a press conference organized by the Bishops Conference of Spain in which the bishops announced the launching of a... Read more