Latest Catholic News


African and European bishops seek solutions, co-operation strategies

Nov 14, 2004

More than 100 bishops from the Europe and Africa met outside Rome last week to tackle the problems facing Christianity... Read more


Fidelity to charismatic roots ensures more effective apostolate, says Pope

Nov 14, 2004

Pope John Paul II, receiving participants in the general chapter of the Congregation of St. Elizabeth, told them that the... Read more


Walesa says Europe must rediscover the concept of freedom

Nov 14, 2004

Participating in the opening of the new academic year at the Lateran Pontifical University in Rome, former president of Poland,... Read more


Majority approval does not guarantee justness and morality of laws

Nov 14, 2004

The secretary general and spokesman of the Bishops Conference of Spain, Fr. Juan Antonio Martinez Camino, criticized the government’s proposal... Read more


Doctors support Church’s call for removal of abortion pill from Ecuador

Nov 14, 2004

The Medical Federation of Ecuador has joined the Catholic Church in denouncing the abortifacient nature of the morning after pill... Read more


Roles of Pope and Reagan in the collapse of Communism explored

Nov 14, 2004

The convergence of the historic roles played by Pope John Paul II and Ronald Reagan in the collapse of Communism... Read more


Eucharist is full expression of thanksgiving, says Pope

Nov 14, 2004

In reflections made before praying the Angelus in St. Peter’s Square yesterday, Pope John Paul II, noting that Italy was... Read more


Mexican bishops: building of casinos not “panacea” for development

Nov 14, 2004

The Bishops Conference of Mexico warned this week that approval of a new law on casinos is not the path... Read more

Euthanasia does not redeem persons from suffering, it suppresses them

Nov 11, 2004

Receiving participants in the international conference on palliative cures at the Vatican this morning, Pope John Paul II issued strong... Read more


Fundamentalists apply “psychological terrorism” against Christians in Iraq

Nov 11, 2004

The Spanish newspaper “La Razon” published a statement this week by a priest of the Iraqi Diocese of Mosul who... Read more


Forming critical conscience is “greatest cultural challenge of our times,” says Pope

Nov 11, 2004

In a meeting with the president of Portugal, Jorge Sampaio, this morning, Pope John Paul II said that "the formation... Read more


Scientific research must not violate the “intangibility” of every human being, says Pope

Nov 11, 2004

Pope John Paul II sent a message to the president of the Association of Italian Catholic Doctors, Domenico Di Virgilio,... Read more


American Life League says issue of pro-abortion politicians and Communion is still important after elections

Nov 11, 2004

American Life League president Judie Brown said the U.S. bishops must take action against Catholic public figures who take a... Read more


UN predicts steep declines in population growth

Nov 11, 2004

The United Nations Population Division released another report recently that predicts a large aging population and sharp declines in population... Read more


Mexican bishops call for better treatment of immigrants

Nov 11, 2004

On the second day of its Fall General Assembly, the Bishops Conference of Mexico encouraged the country’s government to work... Read more


Italian intellectuals reflect on relationship between faith and politics

Nov 11, 2004

The re-election of George Bush in part because of moral issues, and the rejection of Italian politician Rocco Butiglione for... Read more


Boston archbishop delays some parish closings

Nov 11, 2004

Archbishop Sean P. O'Malley held a meeting yesterday with 18 pastors, whose parishes are scheduled to close, to tell them... Read more


Exhibit tells history of religious sisters in the United States

Nov 11, 2004

A new exhibit tells of the joy of religious life and the impact religious sisters have had on the United... Read more


Archbishop tells Argentineans no excuse for attacks on life

Nov 11, 2004

Addressing issues of human life and the family, Archbishop Domingo Castagna of Corrientes, Argentina, said this week, “Respect for life... Read more

Pope sends condolences to Palestinian people upon death of Yasser Arafat

Nov 10, 2004

Upon learning of the death of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat this morning, Cardinal Angelo Sodano, Vatican secretary of state, sent... Read more