Latest Catholic News


Pope sends telegram of condolence on the death of Cardinal Aramburu

Nov 18, 2004

In a telegram sent this morning to Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, S.J., archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina, on the death... Read more


Catholic pro-abortion politician rejects request to step down as cantor

Nov 18, 2004

Developments at a Boston parish over whether a lifelong parishioner and pro-abortion politician should continue leading the congregation in song... Read more


New Zealand jury acquits man who admitted to killing brain-damaged baby daughter

Nov 18, 2004

A jury in the Nelson Court of Richmond New Zealand has given a not guilty verdict to a man who... Read more


Church calls for respect for culture of Argentineans in controversial sex-ed program

Nov 18, 2004

The Vicar of Education for the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires, Father Juan Alberto Torrella, took part in a meeting at... Read more


Professionals opposing homosexual adoption send letter to Spanish president

Nov 18, 2004

The association Professionals for Ethics will send a letter on Saturday to Spanish President Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero signed by... Read more


Proposed legislation threatens defense of life in Venezuela

Nov 18, 2004

The Venezuelan organization Volunteers for Life is launching a major effort to challenge two proposed laws that promote the decriminalization... Read more

Catholic bishops launch marriage initiative, ok to new round of audits

Nov 17, 2004

U.S. Catholic bishops on Wednesday launched an ambitious plan to promote marriage, an institution they see as being under extreme... Read more


Tolerance, peaceful co-existence is possible, says Pope, religious violence unjustifiable

Nov 17, 2004

Receiving the leaders of three religious communities in Azerbaijan this morning – Russian Orthodox, Muslim, and Jewish – Pope John... Read more


Card. McCarrick blames media and “activists” for attacks against bishops who took firm stand on Communion

Nov 17, 2004

Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, reporting yesterday before the plenary of the USCCB on his job as President of the Task Force... Read more


Mature couples are resources for young couples, witness to beauty and happiness of married life

Nov 17, 2004

At the opening of the 16th Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for the Family, which began this morning in... Read more


ACLU wins lawsuit, military can no longer sponsor Boy Scouts

Nov 17, 2004

The Pentagon settled an ACLU lawsuit Nov. 15 that requires it to warn military bases not to directly sponsor Boy... Read more


Spanish Cardinal warns of grave consequences of keeping Christ out of schools

Nov 17, 2004

Commenting on the proposed changes to educational policies by Spain’s Socialist government, Archbishop Antonio Cañizares Llovera of Toledo warned this... Read more


Pilgrimages to Holy Land needed to diminish Christian exodus

Nov 17, 2004

Representatives of different Christian denominations signed a statement this week exhorting the faithful around the world to make pilgrimages to... Read more


Pro-life groups calls for creation of Memorial Park for victims of abortion

Nov 17, 2004

The Spanish Association United for Life has begun a campaign calling for the creation of a Memorial Park in Madrid... Read more


Euthanasia advocate Prof. Peter Singer visits neonatal facility with ethics students

Nov 17, 2004

A group of undergraduate students at Princeton University wrestled first-hand with the ethical question of whether the life of a... Read more


Archdiocese of Chicago to be consecrated to Mary’s Immaculate Heart

Nov 17, 2004

The Archdiocese of Chicago will be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Read more


Federal judge throws out pro-abortion ex-teacher’s lawsuit against Catholic school

Nov 16, 2004

Yesterday morning a federal judge dismissed a lawsuit filed against Ursuline Academy, a Catholic all-girls school in Willmington, Delaware, for... Read more

Pope: break down walls of division, hostility, hatred so family of God can praise Him in harmony

Nov 16, 2004

In today's general audience in the Paul VI Hall, Pope John Paul II catechized on the theme of Psalm 66,... Read more


Ad targets bishops during annual meeting

Nov 16, 2004

The American Life League published an ad in yesterday’s Washington Times, directed at the United States bishops who are meeting... Read more


Bishops' official says abortion pill should be shelved

Nov 16, 2004

The abortion pill, RU-486, also known as Mifrepex, which has been linked to the deaths of several women, should be... Read more