Latest Catholic News


Legislator attempts to block “abortion boat” from docking in Argentina

Nov 30, 2004

A Buenos Aires Congressman has launched a legal effort to keep the Dutch abortion ship “Aurora” from docking in Argentina... Read more


Church calls for justice and forgiveness after release of torture report in Chile

Nov 30, 2004

The Executive Committee of the Bishops Conference of Chile is calling on Chileans to respond with justice and a spirit... Read more


Church in Central America announces plan for rehabilitation of gang members

Nov 30, 2004

Auxiliary Bishop Romulo Emiliani of San Pedro Sula, Honduras, announced this week that the Episcopal conferences of Central America will... Read more


Pro-family group urges legislators to defend marriage despite Supreme Court decision

Nov 29, 2004

The U.S. Supreme Court declined to intervene yesterday in the May 17 Massachusetts court ruling that has allowed same-sex couples... Read more


U.S. businesses receive ‘Religion-Friendly Zone’ decals in time for Christmas

Nov 29, 2004

Every December the Catholic League expends considerable resources fighting against those who seek to censor Christmas. This year, the league... Read more


‘God Squad’ constructs Nativity scene in downtown Chicago

Nov 29, 2004

The God Squad, a group of carpenters and tradesmen, donated their time and energies Nov. 27 to construct a one-of-a-kind... Read more


Baptism controversy points to larger question of communion, says Australian archbishop

Nov 29, 2004

Archbishop John Bathersby of Brisbane has publicly questioned whether a parish could be in communion with the Church if its... Read more


Switzerland to allow embryonic stem cell research

Nov 29, 2004

The Swiss voted on Sunday to support a government proposal to allow embryonic stem cell research, which will mean the... Read more


Motherhood and fatherhood are complementary Cardinal explains at Family summit

Nov 29, 2004

At the International Conference on the Family this morning in Doha, Qatar, Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, president of the Pontifical... Read more


Cultivate intimacy with Christ, says Pope to Legionaries, on anniversary of founder

Nov 29, 2004

The 60th anniversary of the priestly ordination of Fr. Marcial Maciel Degollado, the founder and superior general of the Legionaries... Read more


Sudanese government expells charity worker, warns aid organizations in Darfur

Nov 29, 2004

The Sudan director of the UK based aid agency Save the Children was expelled from the east African country yesterday,... Read more


Australian Council approves first Catholic medical school, worries about Catholic “bias”

Nov 29, 2004

The Australian Medical Council (AMC) yesterday gave official accreditation to the University of Notre Dame in Fremantle, Australia’s first Catholic... Read more

Miami Archbishop denounces Cuban government for blocking entry of donations

Nov 29, 2004

Archbishop John Favalora of Miami traveled to Cuba on Monday to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Archdiocese of Santiago... Read more

By returning relics to Orthodox, Pope marks desire to speed up Christian unity

Nov 28, 2004

Pope John Paul II manifested his desire for Christian unity when he handed over the relics of Saint John Chrysostom... Read more


Rediscover the mystery and significance of Sunday, says Pope

Nov 28, 2004

Speaking yesterday from his balcony overlooking St. Peter’s square befor praying the Angelus, Pope John Paul II urged Christians to... Read more


Pope’s handing over of saints relics to Orthodox not a “reparation,” says Vatican

Nov 28, 2004

The Vatican has issued a statement saying that some media reports that have presented Pope John Paul II’s handing over... Read more


Experts now say abstinence and fidelity key to stopping AIDS

Nov 28, 2004

Just a few days away from the celebration of World AIDS Day, the prestigious medical magazine “The Lancet” has published... Read more


Catholic bishops advise sick parishioners not to shake hands or drink from chalice

Nov 28, 2004

Concerned about the health of their parishioners, several United States bishops have issued advisories, telling churchgoers that they should not... Read more


New Catholic high school likely for Northern Colorado

Nov 28, 2004

Plans for a new Catholic high school and eventual church are brewing in the Archdiocese of Denver, north of the... Read more


Scottish cardinal challenges government to make St. Andrew’s national holiday

Nov 28, 2004

Scotland is debating whether it should legislate another public holiday, and a Scottish cardinal is suggesting that it be on... Read more