Latest Catholic News


Faithful spark cause for canonization for Archbishop Fulton Sheen

Dec 13, 2004

The cause for sainthood for the most popular TV bishop in the United States – whose program led many to... Read more


Statue vandalized at Knoxville Catholic offices

Dec 13, 2004

Police are investigating a disturbing case of vandalism that struck the Chancery Office of the Diocese of Knoxville. Read more


French ban on religious displays includes chocolates, kindergarten students learn

Dec 13, 2004

Teachers in a rural school in northern France returned 1,300 packages of chocolates intended for their kindergarten students last week... Read more


Politician leads campaign for government subsidies for religious groups in France

Dec 13, 2004

While French public schools are battling to implement a new ban on all religious symbols, the former finance minister is... Read more


Bishops of Spain launch pro-marriage campaign

Dec 13, 2004

The Bishops Conference of Spain has announced that December 26 it will dedicate the traditional “Family and Life” Day to... Read more


Brazilian bishops call on government not to expand legality of abortion

Dec 13, 2004

The Bishops Conference of Brazil has published a statement calling on the government not to expand the legal justifications for... Read more


Abortion boat director arrives in Argentina

Dec 13, 2004

As the controversy surrounding abortion in Argentina widens, the director of the feminist organization “Women on the Waves,” Rebecca Gomperts... Read more


Church in Spain collects millions of signatures in support of religion classes

Dec 13, 2004

The Archdiocese of Valencia, Spain, said last week more than a million people in the province of Valencia alone have... Read more

Pope highlights importance of Nativity scenes

Dec 12, 2004

Pope John Paul II spoke about the importance of Nativity scenes during the Angelus prayer yesterday, Gaudete Sunday, noting that... Read more


Veneration of Guadalupe statue in Methodist church sparks controversy

Dec 12, 2004

Some Hispanic members of “Amor de Dios” United Methodist Church in Chicago celebrated the traditional feast day of Our Lady... Read more


Wave of divorce follows Massachusetts’ same-sex weddings

Dec 12, 2004

Several same-sex couples in Massachusetts have begun seeking divorces less than seven months after they were given the legal right... Read more


Pope’s message for peace, AIDS foundation to be presented

Dec 12, 2004

On Thursday, December 16 at 11 a.m. in the Holy See Press Office, the Holy Father's Message for the World... Read more


The "Bible for children" translated in Ottoman language to evangelize in Turkey

Dec 12, 2004

Turkish-speaking Christians now have access to a Bible for children printed in Turkish published by the international Catholic charity Aid... Read more


Our Lady of Guadalupe honored by Catholics across U.S.

Dec 12, 2004

Catholic Latinos across the United States celebrated the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the patroness of the Americas, with... Read more


Military hopes retreat will help recruit more priests for the army

Dec 12, 2004

The U.S. Army and its chaplains are hoping to recruit Catholic priests to serve in the Pacific theater, reported Stars... Read more


Catholic Charities report clients' greatest need is for emergency services

Dec 12, 2004

A recent survey conducted by Catholic Charities USA has revealed that the greatest needs of the clients of local Catholic... Read more

Pain and scandal is call to conversion and deeper fidelity, Pope tells US Bishops

Dec 9, 2004

John Paul II met with bishops from Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota, this morning in his last encounter with... Read more


Denver archbishop: ‘scrub’ words ‘Happy Holidays’ from Catholic vocabulary

Dec 9, 2004

Archbishop Charles Chaput of Denver has urged his faithful to “scrub” the expression “Happy Holidays” from Catholic vocabulary. Read more


Canadian bishops call for more debate after Supreme Court judgment

Dec 9, 2004

The Supreme Court of Canada may have issued its judgment on same-sex marriage, but the debate isn’t over yet, said... Read more


Secularism, unbelief in Europe must be dealt with to preserve Christian identity, Vatican authority says

Dec 9, 2004

In a speech given by Cardinal Paul Poupard, President of the Pontifical Council for Culture, today in Minsk, Belarus, he... Read more