Latest Catholic News


Cardinal Karl Lehmann confident media will correct unjust statements against Benedict XVI

Apr 21, 2005

The President of the German Bishops Conference, Cardinal Karl Lehmann, expressed his hope that the commentators in the media who... Read more


Vatican invites worldwide Church to celebrate inauguration of Pope Benedict XVI

Apr 21, 2005

On Sunday, the eyes of the world will once again fall on Rome as Pope Benedict XVI is inaugurated as... Read more


Pope Benedict has ‘human touch,’ says cardinal

Apr 21, 2005

While everyone at the Vatican was caught up with the election of Pope Benedict XVI April 19, the new Pope... Read more


Archbishop Burke: German Catholics should be proud

Apr 21, 2005

As the world watches to see what the first moves of Pope Benedict XVI will be, St. Louis’ Archbishop Raymond... Read more


Cuban bishops express joy at election of Benedict XVI

Apr 21, 2005

“The Catholics of Cuba are very happy with this election,” said Bishop Jose Felix Perez, Adjunct Secretary of the Bishops... Read more

Pope Benedict reinstates top Roman Curia members

Apr 20, 2005

As one of his first acts as Pope, the newly elected Benedict XVI has reinstated many of the top officials... Read more


Vatican announces Pope Benedict’s upcoming schedule; crowds cheer Pope on Roman street

Apr 20, 2005

Yesterday, Vatican press director Joaquin Navarro-Valls announced the upcoming schedule and previous day’s activities for newly elected Pope Benedict XVI. Read more


Choice of Cardinal Ratzinger for Pope was clear, says U.S. cardinal

Apr 20, 2005

The choice of Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger for Pope was clear “almost from the beginning,” Francis Cardinal George of Chicago told... Read more


U.S. Bishops look hopefully to Pope Benedict XVI

Apr 20, 2005

As Pope Benedict XVI begins to take his place as spiritual shepherd of over 1 billion Catholics, bishops across the... Read more


U.S. seminarians cheer election of Pope Benedict

Apr 20, 2005

Future American priests studying in Rome are cheering the choice of Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger as Pope, reported Knight Ridder. Read more


Cardinal Kasper: “Benedict XVI will be Pope of reconciliation and peace”

Apr 20, 2005

Cardinal Walter Kasper said yesterday that Pope Benedict XVI was elected by a wide margin of votes and that he... Read more


Polish president invites Pope to visit land of John Paul II

Apr 20, 2005

Poland’s President, Alexander Kwasniewski, sent an official invitation on Wednesday to Pope Benedict XVI to visit Poland, the homeland of... Read more


Howard Center President Shares Memories of Pope Benedict XVI

Apr 20, 2005

The Howard Center For Family, Religion and Society believes Pope Benedict XVI “will be a strong voice for the natural... Read more


Pope Benedict XVI welcomed by Asian, African Catholics as good choice

Apr 20, 2005

Catholics in Asia and Africa have joyfully welcomed Pope Benedict XVI, expressing their hope that he will continue to maintain... Read more


Primate of Spain: Criticism of new Pontiff stems from dictatorship of relativism

Apr 20, 2005

Archbishop Antonio Cañizares Llovera of Toledo, Spain, said the criticism leveled against Pope Benedict XVI in Spain stem from ignorance... Read more

New Pope Benedict says ‘John Paul left us a Church that is more courageous, freer, younger’

Apr 19, 2005

Earlier today, newly elected Pope Benedict XVI, formerly, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger delivered his first homily at a Mass in the... Read more


Pope Benedict lays out vision for pontificate

Apr 19, 2005

With an audible sense of the weighty path, which lies ahead of him, Pope Benedict XVI delivered his first homily... Read more


Pope Benedict calls on faithful to intensify devotion to Eucharistic Jesus

Apr 19, 2005

In his first pontifical homily, delivered earlier today, Pope Benedict XVI noted the significance of his pontificate starting “as the... Read more


World leaders look hopefully to new pontificate

Apr 19, 2005

As the world looks to Pope Benedict XVI to fill the giant shoes of Pope John Paul II, leaders from... Read more


Archbishop Chaput calls election of Pope Benedict ‘a tremendous moment for the Church’

Apr 19, 2005

Archbishop Charles Chaput, leader of the Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Denver is welcoming Pope Benedict XVI, formerly, Cardinal... Read more