Latest Catholic News


Cuban bishops call for forgiveness, evangelization in Christmas message

Dec 15, 2004

In their message, the bishops invite the faithful to adopt “an attitude of reconciliation,” and they underscore that “the Church’s... Read more


Church in Spain rejects court ordered abortion for mentally handicapped woman

Dec 15, 2004

The Office for the Defense of Life of the Archdiocese of Oviedo, Spain, energetically rejected the decision by a judge... Read more


Pro-lifers in Spain march in front of abortion center that was subject of an investigative report

Dec 15, 2004

Hundreds of people in Spain have been periodically marching in front of the Genemedex abortion clinic in Barcelona to protest... Read more


Bethlehem mayor says Israeli occupation is driving away Christians

Dec 15, 2004

The mayor of Bethlehem said that the “bitterness” of the Israeli  occupation is driving more and more Christians away from... Read more


Aid needed for shrine of first approved Marian apparitions in Africa

Dec 15, 2004

The Marian shrine at the site of the first apparitions of Our Lady on the African continent to be approved... Read more

Truth about man cannot be reached by mere science, Pope tells university students

Dec 14, 2004

During the annual Mass for university students and faculty members from Roman and other European universities with Pope John Paul... Read more


Group files lawsuit against bill protecting health care workers from providing abortion

Dec 14, 2004

A pro-abortion association, whose members include Planned Parenthood, announced plans Dec. 13 to file a federal lawsuit against the pro-life... Read more


Abortion still top concern among Catholic investors

Dec 14, 2004

In a Top Ten list of issues, about which Catholic investors in 2004 are most concerned, abortion takes first place,... Read more


Independent initiatives mark Catholic school rebirth in Chicago

Dec 14, 2004

New Catholic schools are opening and flourishing in the Archdiocese of Chicago, thanks to committed parents and the investments of... Read more


Pope receives Christmas tree during general audience

Dec 14, 2004

Pope John Paul II received a Christmas tree from the Archbishop and faithful of the autonomous Italian province of Trento... Read more


Dark future for Christians in Arab regions if world continues neglect, says scholar

Dec 14, 2004

The situation in the Arab world has reached a point at which the further subjugation and persecution of Christians in... Read more


Anglican Church faces implosion and life underground, says senior adviser

Dec 14, 2004

A senior adviser to the Archbishop of Canterbury has issued a warning that the Church of England will fragment over... Read more


Emotional Mass in Cuba to celebrate restoration of island's oldest church

Dec 14, 2004

This Sunday hundreds of Cubans participated in an emotional Mass to mark the re-inauguration of the Hermitage of the Immaculate,... Read more


Despite boycott, thousands march against abortion in Spain

Dec 14, 2004

More than two thousand people participated in a march for life this past Saturday near the Ministry of Health in... Read more


Cardinal Rivera calls on Mexicans to contribute for building of church for St. Juan Diego

Dec 14, 2004

Cardinal Norberto Rivera, Archbishop of Mexico City, is calling on Mexicans to financially assist the Church to continue building a... Read more


Sexual “taboos” exist for a reason, says Australian minister

Dec 14, 2004

The morals which the “sexual revolution” considered to be “taboos” exist for a reason, Health Minister Tony Abbott told “The... Read more


CELAM plans gathering on Social Responsibility of Businesses

Dec 14, 2004

The Latin America Bishops Conference (CELAM) is planning a gathering of the bishops of the region to discuss how to... Read more

Minister says Iraq committed to protecting Christian communities

Dec 13, 2004

In a meeting yesterday with Pope John Paul II and Cardinal Angelo Sodano, Hoshyar Zebari, minister of Foreign Affairs of... Read more


Democrat governor of Louisiana defends abstinence program against ACLU charges

Dec 13, 2004

Gov. Kathleen Blanco of Louisiana, a Democrat, responded to charges by the American Civil Liberties Union that Louisiana’s abstinence program... Read more


Circuit court hears New York City Nativity case

Dec 13, 2004

Oral arguments were presented yesterday in a case over whether the Nativity scene can be displayed in New York City... Read more