Latest Catholic News


High School Student Speaks out on abortion debate

Feb 1, 2005

Michelle Bauman, a 15-year-old sophomore at Bishop Machebeuf High School in Denver recently added her voice to those surrounding a... Read more


Catholic leaders of Archdiocese of Denver to receive Papal Honors

Feb 1, 2005

According to the Archdiocese of Denver, Pope John Paul II has recently named six area couples and five individuals as... Read more


Canada introduces same-sex marriage legislation

Feb 1, 2005

Prime Minister Paul Martin’s Liberal government introduced same-sex marriage legislation in the House of Commons yesterday. If passed, as expected,... Read more


Dioceses celebrate ‘beauty of Catholic education’

Feb 1, 2005

Catholic schools across the country are celebrating excellence in education this week and promoting the benefits of combined academic and... Read more


Harrisburg bishop’s alma mater raises funds since ordination

Feb 1, 2005

Bishop Kevin Rhoades of Harrisburg returned to his alma mater yesterday to mark Catholic Schools Week and to unveil a... Read more


La Quinta Inns orders abortionist to stop using hotel as hospital

Feb 1, 2005

La Quinta Inns has ordered late-term abortionist George Tiller to stop using its hotels to provide ongoing medical care to... Read more


Roman Rota judge says homosexual unions cannot be considered marriages

Feb 1, 2005

The Dean of the Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota, Polish Cardinal Antoni Stankiewicz, expressed his rejection of homosexual unions... Read more


Cardinal Rivera reiterates that complete happiness is found in Heaven

Feb 1, 2005

The archbishop of Mexico City, Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera, said this week Christians are called to look for complete happiness,... Read more


Cardinal Lopez Rodriguez calls on Dominicans to unite in prayer for nation

Feb 1, 2005

The archbishop of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, Cardinal Nicolas de Jesus Lopez Rodriguez, issued a call to the more than... Read more

Pope thanks faithful for their “fervent prayers”

Feb 1, 2005

Today while presiding at a Mass for the annual Day for Consecrated Life, Archbishop Franc Rode, prefect for the Congregation... Read more


Italian Health Minister optimistic about Pope's recovery

Feb 1, 2005

Pope John Paul's health is improving and doctors are optimistic about his recovery, Girolamo Sirchia, Italy's health minister said this... Read more


Report alleges Saudis spread hate through U.S. mosques

Jan 31, 2005

A Washington-based human rights group alleges that the Saudi Arabian government is disseminating propaganda through American mosques that teaches hatred... Read more


NY Bishop pulls sponsorship of Sen. Clinton event

Jan 31, 2005

Bishop Edward Kmiec of Buffalo pulled his support of a public speech U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton gave at the Jesuit-run... Read more


Pope tells Australian Catholic lawyers to defend the rights of the unborn

Jan 31, 2005

Pope John Paul II issued a rare personal message this week to Australia's Catholic lawyers’ association, urging them to defend... Read more


Cardinal Rouco says secularism is becoming common throughout Europe

Jan 31, 2005

The president of the Bishops Conference of Spain and Archbishop of Madrid, Cardinal Antonio Maria Rouco, said last week the... Read more


Hollywood heavyweight hired to produce Bible films

Jan 31, 2005

The Academy Award-winning producer of “Chariots of Fire”, “Dances With Wolves”, “Driving Miss Daisy” and “Gandhi” was hired to head... Read more


Pope says priestly candidates must be capable of living celibacy

Jan 31, 2005

In a message made public today, the Holy Father stressed that seminaries must carefully verify the capability of their candidates... Read more


Flu-like symptoms cause Holy Father to cancel Wednesday audience

Jan 31, 2005

Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls announced this morning that the Holy Father will not hold his usual Wednesday... Read more


Pope focuses prayer on humane medical treatment, especially for the poor

Jan 31, 2005

Today, the Vatican announced the Holy Father's general prayer intention for the month of February.  Read more


Pope encourages Legionaries to be faithful to their founder and united to the rock of Peter

Jan 31, 2005

The Holy Father addressed the third Ordinary General Chapter of the Legion of Christ, currently meeting in Rome in a... Read more