Latest Catholic News


President of European Parliament expresses wishes for Pope’s recovery

Feb 3, 2005

Joseph Borrell Fontelles, president of the European Parliament, met this morning with Vatican officials, Angelo Sodano,Cardinal Secretary of State and... Read more


Priests' group urges support for Woman's-Right-to-Know Bill

Feb 3, 2005

Priests for Life is urging the Georgia state Senate to pass a bill that would require medical professionals to inform... Read more


UK Group threatens campaign against Aids Policy

Feb 3, 2005

The U.K.-based Catholic Action Group say that a deadline given to CAFOD, the Catholic Agency for Oversees Development to withdraw... Read more


Gathering set to kick off men’s ministry in Pittsburgh

Feb 3, 2005

A new group in Pittsburgh is reaching out to Catholic men, offering them an opportunity for faith and spiritual formation... Read more


Iraqi Christians claim they were denied right to vote

Feb 3, 2005

While Iraq is calling Sunday's elections a success, Christians in the Mideastern country and in the United States are claiming... Read more


Ecuadorian bishops say science does not negate abortifacient nature of the pill

Feb 3, 2005

Parishes throughout Ecuador are distributing a letter from the executive committee of the Bishops Conference of Ecuador, which warns that... Read more

Vatican calls Pope's condition "positive"

Feb 2, 2005

Late this morning, Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls told journalists that "The Holy Father's general and respiratory conditions... Read more


Pro-family organization praises President’s “State of the Union”

Feb 2, 2005

Family Research Council (FRC) President Tony Perkins released yesterday a statement praising President Bush's State of the Union Address for... Read more


Pope's biographer optimistic of recovery

Feb 2, 2005

Pope John Paul II’s official biographer and friend George Weigel told WBAL-TV 11 in Maryland that he does not doubt... Read more


Football players to bring their faith to Superbowl on Sunday

Feb 2, 2005

Football fans will have their eyes glued to the television this Sunday to watch their favorite team battle it out... Read more


Catholic League says anti-Jewish and anti-Christian professor should be fired

Feb 2, 2005

Catholic League president William Donohue says University of Colorado professor Ward Churchill should be fired for his philosophy and rhetoric,... Read more


Pope says organ transplants must "guarantee respect for life and for the human person"

Feb 2, 2005

Today the Vatican released a Letter from Pope John Paul II to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences regarding the practice... Read more


Iraqi bishops hopeful elections mean beginning of a new start for Christians

Feb 2, 2005

In the wake of the January 30 elections, various Iraqi bishops expressed their hope they might signify a new era... Read more


Cardinal Lopez Rodriguez calls on young people to cultivate loyalty, respect and purity of spirit

Feb 2, 2005

During a Mass celebrated at the Cathedral of Santo Domingo on National Youth Day, the archbishop of Santo Domingo, Cardinal... Read more



Feb 2, 2005

In yesterday’s story titled “Canada introduces same-sex marriage legislation” CNA made an  error in attribution. The statement that “equality rights... Read more


Spanish newspaper reports on widower vocations as encouraging sign for the Church

Feb 2, 2005

The Spanish daily El Mundo recently published an interesting collection of testimonies of uncommon religious vocations: widows and widowers, with... Read more


Cardinal Rubiano calls Colombians to common sense on issues of abortion and homosexual unions

Feb 2, 2005

Presiding at the opening of the General Assembly of the Bishops Conference of Colombia, Cardinal Pedro Rubiano Saenz, Archbishop of... Read more


Archbishop of Oviedo decries claim secularism is sole voice of reason

Feb 2, 2005

The Archbishop of Oviedo, Carlos Osoro, commenting this week on the recent message of Pope John Paul II to the... Read more

Pope’s condition improves overnight but will remain in hospital

Feb 1, 2005

This morning Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls released a statement saying that the condition of John Paul II,... Read more


Vatican source warns against so-called "expert" speculations on Pope's health

Feb 1, 2005

This morning, a Vatican source contacted by CNA warned about confusion that so-called "experts" consulted by the secular media can... Read more