Latest Catholic News


Draft legislation undermines commitment to refugees, say U.S. bishops

Feb 10, 2005

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops says draft legislation, which would have barriers and walls constructed along the U.S.-Mexico border,... Read more


Inner city youth minister uses Hip-hop to preach the Gospel

Feb 10, 2005

St. Francis of Assisi once said, “preach the Gospel at all times, if necessary, use words.” 27-year old Bob Lesnefsky’s... Read more


Gibson to re-release Passion of the Christ

Feb 10, 2005

On March 11th, Mel Gibson and New Market Films plan to release The Passion Recut to 500-750 movie screens around... Read more


Brazilian Cardinal: the Pope’s mission will end when God calls him

Feb 10, 2005

The president of the National Bishops Conference of Brazil and Archbishop of San Salvador de Bahia, Cardinal Geraldo Majella Agnelo,... Read more


Cardinal Rivera exhorts faithful to reach out to elderly during Lent

Feb 10, 2005

Presiding at Ash Wednesday services at the Archdiocesan Cathedral, the Archbishop of Mexico City, Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera, called on... Read more


Legal abortions per year in Spain top 80,000

Feb 10, 2005

A report from the Superior Council of Scientific Research has revealed the chilling statistics regarding the failure of legal abortion... Read more


John Paul has earned right to remain Pope until the end: Canadian cardinal

Feb 9, 2005

Canada’s top cleric says Pope John Paul II has much to teach humanity in his frailty and deserves to remain... Read more


Pope receives unexpected visit from boy with cancer

Feb 9, 2005

A young boy being treated for cancer paid a surprise visit to Pope John Paul II yesterday at Gemelli Hospital... Read more


Deadline to comply with Church Law officially ends for St. Louis parish

Feb 9, 2005

In a press release Tuesday morning, the Archdiocese of St. Louis announced that its patience with St. Stanislaus Kostka parish... Read more


Archbishop of Denver calls cloning decision “tragic”

Feb 9, 2005

Professor Ian Wilmut, best known for his cloning of the sheep, “Dolly” in 1997, has now been granted a license... Read more


British Catholic press refuses to run ad for Catholic Action Group

Feb 9, 2005

The United Kingdom’s leading Catholic newspaper, The Universe, refused to run a generic ad for the Catholic Action Group yesterday... Read more


Religious freedom commission wants US to impose restrictions against Saudi Arabia

Feb 9, 2005

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom has urged Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to take action against Saudi Arabia,... Read more


Pope praises Brazilian Campaign on Solidarity and Peace

Feb 9, 2005

The Vatican made public a letter from the Pope today announcing the theme for the 2005 Brazilian Lenten Fraternity Campaign,... Read more

John Paul II departs hospital and arrives at Vatican in popemobile

Feb 9, 2005

Looking cheerful and imparting blessings to those who lined the streets of Rome to see him, Pope John Paul II... Read more

Holy Father likely to leave hospital today

Feb 9, 2005

Joaquin Navarro-Valls, director of the Holy See Press Office, announced this morning that, "It is expected that the Holy Father's... Read more

Pope celebrates Ash Wednesday Mass from hospital

Feb 8, 2005

According to the Holy See Press Office, “this morning the Holy Father presided at the concelebration of Ash Wednesday Mass... Read more


Archbishop of Paris says Pope doesn’t have to be Schwarzenegger or Superman

Feb 8, 2005

The Archbishop of Paris, Cardinal Jean Marie Lustiger, said today, “The Pope does not need to be like Arnold Schwarzenegger,... Read more


Vatican denounces book, suspends U.S. Jesuit from teaching Catholic theology

Feb 8, 2005

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has denounced the book “Jesus: Symbol of God” by American Jesuit Fr.... Read more


Pro-life leaders seek face-to-face meeting with Senator Clinton

Feb 8, 2005

Members of the Christian Defense Coalition presented themselves at Senator Hillary Clinton's office today to schedule a meeting to discuss... Read more


Cardinal Stafford calls faithful to the “duty of conversion” at St Peter’s Basilica

Feb 8, 2005

This morning at 10:30, Cardinal James Francis Stafford, major penitentiary of the Apostolic Penitentiary, presided at Ash Wednesday Mass in... Read more