Latest Catholic News


Pope addresses poor and oppressed in March prayer intention

Feb 28, 2005

Today, the Vatican announced Pope John Paul II new general prayer and mission intentions for this month.  Read more


US officials in Miami to apologize to Cuban cardinal

Feb 28, 2005

US officials are expected to present an official apology to Cardinal Jaime Ortega Alamino of Havana, Cuba, after the Vatican... Read more


Nearly 5,000 teens take stand for purity

Feb 28, 2005

John Ellis and the Christian rock band Tree 63 traveled all the way from South Africa to join nearly 5,000... Read more


Homosexuals have no place in seminaries, says cardinal

Feb 28, 2005

The Archbishop of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, Cardinal Nicolas de Jesus Lopez Rodriguez, reaffirmed this week that the Church does... Read more


Mexican archbishop denounces abuse of women as attack on God’s plan

Feb 28, 2005

Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera, Archbishop of Mexico City, said this week discrimination and abuse against women are actions contrary to... Read more

Vatican calls Pope’s condition ‘good’

Feb 27, 2005

This morning Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls gave journalists a medical bulletin outlining the current state of the... Read more


Pope makes surprise appearance from hospital window

Feb 27, 2005

Sunday morning, just after Archbishop Leonardo Sandri, deputy Vatican Secretary of State read a statement from the Holy Father, John... Read more


Judge gives Schiavo’s husband green light to remove feeding tube

Feb 27, 2005

In a devastating announcement for pro-life advocates and the family of brain-damaged Terri Schiavo, Florida Judge George Greer gave Michael... Read more


‘Be instruments of mercy and communion’ Pope tells Czech group

Feb 27, 2005

On Friday, the Vatican made public a message written from the Pope to Cardinal Miloslav Vlk, archbishop of Prague, Czech... Read more


‘Abortion not a human right’, US tells UN conference

Feb 27, 2005

The United States is demanding that the United Nations adopt an amendment to a 10-year-old landmark platform on women’s rights,... Read more


Lawyer argues divorce case should be transferred to Church tribunal

Feb 27, 2005

An Ohio woman’s fight to save her Catholic marriage from civil no-fault divorce took another important turn when Ave Maria... Read more


Pope still able to lead Church despite frailties, says Chicago cardinal

Feb 27, 2005

Pope John Paul II's current health should not affect his ability to lead the Catholic Church, Chicago archbishop Francis Cardinal... Read more


Canadian Catholics pulling for the Pope

Feb 27, 2005

According to a report by the Canadian Press, many in the “great white north” don’t believe Pope John Paul II... Read more


Globalization Report stresses value and dignity of work

Feb 27, 2005

The conclusions of a Report of the World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization was presented Friday afternoon at... Read more


Catholic-Jewish project to fight AIDS in Africa

Feb 27, 2005

This week, Catholic and Jewish leaders are expected to discuss how the two religious groups can work together to stop... Read more


Conference equips over 2000 for New Evangelization

Feb 27, 2005

Friday and Saturday, thousands of Catholics from all around the Colorado region descended on the Denver International Airport Holiday Inn... Read more

Pope John Paul resting; breathing on own following tracheotomy

Feb 24, 2005

The Vatican this morning released a much anticipated statement on the condition of Pope John Paul II who underwent tracheotomy... Read more


Pope calls ‘Christ and the Church’ center Msgr. Giussani’s life

Feb 24, 2005

The Vatican announced today that a letter of condolences from the Holy Father sent Tuesday was read during the funeral... Read more


Wisconsin group points efforts toward fight to save Schiavo

Feb 24, 2005

A Pro-life group in Wisconsin is making the fight for Terri Schiavo’s life first on their priority list.  Read more


Supporters fight for Schiavo’s life with prayer and protests

Feb 24, 2005

As the family of brain damaged Terri Schiavo race the clock to prevent her husband from removing her feeding tube,... Read more