Latest Catholic News


Church in France wins ban of Last Supper ad

Mar 10, 2005

A French judge ruled yesterday that an ad campaign based on Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper is offensive to Catholics... Read more


Pro-life groups slam Argentina for abstaining from vote on human cloning

Mar 10, 2005

Several pro-life groups in Argentina called the country’s abstention from the UN vote on human cloning “an embarrassment.” Read more


Spanish Archbishop calls for action in response to “absurd” social transformation

Mar 10, 2005

Archbishop Agustin Garcia-Gasco of Valencia, Spain, is calling on the Spanish to avoid becoming “silent spectators” in the wake of... Read more


Pope tells Senegal: remain united with bishops; continue seeking peace

Mar 9, 2005

This morning, Pope John Paul welcomed Felix Oudiane, Senegal’s new ambassador, to the Vatican, noting that country’s commitment to “seeking... Read more


Church in Colombia target of violence in last 20 years

Mar 9, 2005

The Bishops Conference of Colombia is reporting that during the last 20 years, 65 priests and religious have been murdered... Read more


Skip referendum on assisted fertilization, say Italian bishops

Mar 9, 2005

The president of the Bishops Conference of Italy, Cardinal Camillo Ruini, is promoting the creation of a civic committee that... Read more

Vatican confirms, Pope will return for Holy Week

Mar 9, 2005

In a statement this morning, Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls confirmed hopes that Pope John Paul II will... Read more


Bishops’ spokesperson hails UN declaration against human cloning

Mar 9, 2005

The United Nations declaration against all forms of human cloning, including therapeutic cloning, “is a powerful statement in favor of... Read more


Archbishop Chaput decries death penalty

Mar 9, 2005

On Wednesday, Denver’s Archbishop Charles Chaput praised a recent Supreme Court decision which bans the use of the death penalty... Read more


NY bishops support tax credits for families to save Catholic schools

Mar 9, 2005

The New York Catholic Conference is supporting a bill in the state Senate that would provide income-tax credits of up... Read more


Pro-life community inflamed by ‘Day of Appreciation for Abortion Providers’

Mar 9, 2005

According to pro-abortion supporters, today is the “National Day of Appreciation for Abortion Providers”, a day they say, to recognize... Read more


First California church abuse cases set for trial

Mar 9, 2005

Two California dioceses are scheduled to go to trial March 14 for cases of alleged sexual abuse by priests.  Read more


Gibson plans new movie about Fatima

Mar 9, 2005

After the huge success of The Passion of the Christ Braveheart star, Mel Gibson will soon release a film about... Read more


Australian Catholic college cancels talk by “pre-Christian” scholar

Mar 9, 2005

An Australian Catholic college cancelled a lecture by “pre-Christian” feminist theologian Carol Christ Saturday, reported the Sidney Morning Herald.  Read more


Pro-life leader reveals latest efforts of pro-abortion movement to defeat pro-lifers

Mar 9, 2005

With a recent shift in public opinion that seems to have placed pro-lifers in a more positive light, pro-life leader... Read more

Pope gives impromptu blessing from hospital window

Mar 8, 2005

To the delight of hundreds of people gathered below, the Holy Father appeared at the window of his room at... Read more


Cardinal Ratzinger to write this year’s Vatican Way of the Cross

Mar 8, 2005

The Pope has chosen Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and dean of... Read more


Pro-life leaders defend Gonzaga University president, say recent reports are false

Mar 8, 2005

A group of well-respected national and international pro-life leaders issued an open letter yesterday defending Gonzaga University president Fr. Robert... Read more


New York Press Editor quits in wake of offensive Pope story

Mar 8, 2005

Jeff Koyen, editor of the controversial alternative New York weekly, the New York Press quit rather than accept a two... Read more


County appeals ruling to remove Bible in public display

Mar 8, 2005

Harris County has appealed a 2004 ruling made by a federal court judge that ordered an open Bible, which was... Read more