Latest Catholic News


Group blows whistle on Catholic colleges at odds with bishops’ directives

May 9, 2005

A national organization has blown the whistle on 13 Catholic colleges and universities, which have disregarded a directive of the... Read more


Thousands expected to defend life at national pro-life rally

May 9, 2005

Thousands of Canadians are expected to call on government to defend all human life at the national March for Life... Read more


Legion of Christ welcomes investigation to clear founder of abuse allegations

May 9, 2005

Members of the Legion of Christ are confident that “a full and fair examination of the facts” will clear their... Read more


Canadian diocese to sell all its churches to pay abuse victims

May 9, 2005

The Diocese of St. George’s, Newfoundland, plans to sell all of its churches and missions to settle sexual-abuse claims.  Read more


US and Mexican bishops to discuss vigilante border patrols

May 9, 2005

The president of the Bishops Committee on Human Mobility, Bishop Renato Ascencio León of Ciudad Juarez, said this week bishops... Read more


Archbishop of Toledo warns homosexual “marriages” contradict natural law

May 9, 2005

Archbishop Antonio Canizares Llovera of Toledo and Vice President of the Bishops Conference of Spain said this week a law... Read more


Archbishops Gomez, Chaput, to attend National Catholic Prayer Breakfast

May 9, 2005

Organizers recently announced that San Antonio’s Archbishop Jose Gomez and Denver’s Archbishop Charles Chaput will join Catholics from around the... Read more


Korean sisters gather in Colorado for 12th annual conference

May 9, 2005

51 Korean religious sisters working across North America have gathered in the Colorado mountains this week and last, for period... Read more


Anglican Church of Canada postpones decision on same-sex unions

May 8, 2005

The governing body of the Anglican Church of Canada has decided to postpone a decision on performing same-sex marriages until... Read more


Africa new breeding ground for Muslim terrorists, says confidential report

May 8, 2005

Conflict and extreme poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa have created a “permissive environment” for new recruits to al-Qaeda's terrorist network, says... Read more


Editor of controversial Jesuit magazine quits

May 8, 2005

The longtime editor of the international Jesuit magazine "America" has resigned after years of tension, sparking speculations about the reasons... Read more


U.S. bishops file amicus brief in assisted-suicide case

May 8, 2005

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and other religious organizations jointly filed a friend-of-the-court brief Friday, declaring that the... Read more


Cardinal Ortega: Benedict XVI will firmly guide the Church amidst rampant relativism

May 8, 2005

In a Mass celebrated to mark the beginning of the pontificate of Benedict XVI, the Archbishop of Havana, Cardinal Jaime... Read more


Vatican announces Papal celebrations for May and June

May 8, 2005

The Vatican today released the schedule for liturgical celebrations due to be presided over by Pope Benedict for the months... Read more


Spanish bishops: Catholics cannot vote for homosexual “marriage”

May 8, 2005

The Bishops Conference of Spain published an official statement last week reminding Catholics that they are morally obliged not to... Read more

‘Ministry of Pope is a guarantee of obedience to Christ and to His Word’, says Pope Benedict

May 8, 2005

On Friday, Pope Benedict XVI formally took possession of St. John Lateran Cathedral, confirming his position as Bishop of the... Read more


Communications can be used for good or ill, says Holy Father

May 8, 2005

Yesterday at noon in Rome, the Holy Father appeared at his study window to recite the traditional Regina Coeli prayer,... Read more


Pope urges Sri Lankan Bishops to guard children against exploitation

May 8, 2005

On Friday, Pope Benedict XVI welcomed bishops from the Church in last year’s tsunami-ravaged Sri Lanka in his first "ad... Read more


Cardinal Martins will preside at beatification Mass

May 8, 2005

Earlier today, the Vatican announced that Cardinal Jose Saraiva Martins, prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, would... Read more


Vatican official says rediscovery of Eucharist needed to counter satanic sacrilege

May 8, 2005

The Secretary for the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments, Archbishop Domenico Sorrentino, says a rediscovery of the Eucharist... Read more