Latest Catholic News


Autopsy reveals Terri Schiavo's brain was atrophied, dehydration caused death

Jun 15, 2005

A much-anticipated autopsy report confirmed yesterday that Terri Schiavo died of dehydration. Medical examiners said they were surprised by the... Read more


Hwang and Catholic cleric fail to agree on ethics of stem-cell research

Jun 15, 2005

South Korea’s most celebrated scientist, Hwang Woo-suk, met with the nation’s top Catholic cleric Wednesday to discuss the ethics of... Read more


Canadian teens protest as abortion pioneer gets honorary degree

Jun 15, 2005

As many as 200,000 Catholic high school students in Ontario observed a minute of silence this morning to protest the... Read more


Catholic Charities says budget must protect most vulnerable

Jun 15, 2005

As budget negotiations continue in Congress, Catholic Charities USA is urging House and Senate appropriators to adopt 12 priorities that... Read more


Retired bishop of Altoona-Johnstown dies

Jun 15, 2005

A retired bishop of Altoona-Johnstown died Monday at a nursing home in Hollidaysburg. Bishop-emeritus James Hogan was 93. Read more


Bishop exhorts Catholics in Cuba to bear witness to their faith

Jun 15, 2005

During his installation Mass as the new ordinary for the Diocese of Matanza in Cuba, Bishop Manuel Hilario de Cespedes... Read more


Organizers of WYD reject offer to house pilgrims on set of popular reality show

Jun 15, 2005

World Youth Day organizers have rejected an “offer” by the producers of a German television program called “Big Brother” to... Read more


Bishop tells Spanish Catholics not to fear “psychological torture”

Jun 15, 2005

In a letter celebrating the feast of St. Cyriacus and St. Paula, martyrs and patron saints of his diocese, Bishop... Read more


Venezuelan bishop said social decay is fruit of absence of God

Jun 15, 2005

Archbishop Mariano Parra Sandoval of Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela, said social decay in the country is the fruit of marginalizing God... Read more


Church's Commitment to protect children and youth remains strong, Cardinal George says

Jun 15, 2005

During the Spring meeting of the USCCB being held at the Fairmont Hotel in Chicago, Cardinal Francis George, vice president... Read more

Benedict XVI: God does not disappoint His people’s hope

Jun 14, 2005

During today's general audience, held this morning in a rain-soaked St. Peter's Square, Pope Benedict XVI recalled that God does... Read more


Italian referendum results may signal need to revise abortion law, says minister

Jun 14, 2005

Church officials and leaders in Italy have welcomed the results of a failed referendum that could have lifted the country’s... Read more


Autopsy report on Terri Schiavo to be released today

Jun 14, 2005

The medical examiner's office plans to release its autopsy report on Terri Schiavo today. Her parents and siblings hope the... Read more


New Jersey court rules in support of heterosexual marriage

Jun 14, 2005

A New Jersey Appellate Court ruled  yesterday that the state Constitution does not include same-sex couples in its definition of... Read more


Court rules that Holocaust survivors' lawsuit against the Vatican can proceed

Jun 14, 2005

A ruling this week by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld an earlier decision that Holocaust survivors can... Read more


Cardinal Poupard says Catholic universities must seek the truth, not just produce graduates

Jun 14, 2005

 During a visit to Argentina, the President of the Pontifical Council for Culture, Cardinal Paul Poupard, said the mission of... Read more


Spanish bishops express concern about treatment of immigrants

Jun 14, 2005

The Committee on Migrations of the Spanish Bishops’ Conference has released a document expressing concern for immigrants in the country... Read more


Argentinean cleric questions whether Argentina has Christian culture

Jun 14, 2005

The Apostolic Administrator of Resistencia, Argentina, Msgr. Carmelo Giaquinta, said this week, “It is difficult to say we are a... Read more


Bishop concerned about increased religious indifference in Mexico

Jun 14, 2005

Bishop Jose Guadalupe Martin Rabago of Leon and president of the Bishops’ Conference of Mexico said this week that while... Read more


New prefect for Church doctrine has credentials, says Catholic analyst

Jun 14, 2005

As the new prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Archbishop William Levada will be challenged to... Read more