Latest Catholic News


Jerusalem officials cancel annual gay pride parade

Jun 23, 2005

Jerusalem officials have decided to ban the fourth annual gay pride parade, organized for June 30, claiming the march would... Read more


Venezuelan leader seeks modification of Penal Code in order to legalize abortion

Jun 23, 2005

Representatives of Venezuela’s ruling party lead by President Hugo Chavez have presented two bills that would reform the country’s Penal... Read more


Bolivian bishop calls on lawmakers to resign

Jun 23, 2005

Bishop Jesus Perez of Potosi, Bolivia, is calling on the country’s congressional representatives to shorten their terms in office in... Read more


Bishops of Mexico and US begin conference on immigration

Jun 23, 2005

Under the theme, “Strangers no more: together on the journey of hope,” bishops from Mexico and US have gathered to... Read more


Diocese denounces disappearance of priest in rebel controlled area of Colombia

Jun 23, 2005

The Diocese of Garzon in Colombia is denouncing the disappearance of a priest who was on a humanitarian mission in... Read more

Benedict XVI sees “positive signs” for reconciliation in Holy Land

Jun 22, 2005

Pope Benedict XVI addressed the question of peace in the Holy Land today and said  “certain positive signs” in the... Read more


New book by Pope explains Christian roots of European Union

Jun 22, 2005

During a press conference in which he introduced the new book by Pope Benedict XVI, “The Europe of Benedict: In... Read more


Spanish Senate vetoes gay marriage law

Jun 22, 2005

After heated debate, the Spanish Senate vetoed a bill that would make homosexual unions equivalent to marriage.  Now voters are... Read more


Official prayer to ask favors through intercession of JPII

Jun 22, 2005

The Diocese of Rome, in charge of promoting the beatification of late Pope John Paul II, released an official prayer... Read more


23,000-plus US youth registered for World Youth Day

Jun 22, 2005

More than 23,000 young people and 70 bishops from the United States will attend the first World Youth Day (WYD)... Read more


Russian Orthodox Church, Vatican to partner in promoting spiritual values

Jun 22, 2005

The Moscow Patriarchate and the Vatican have agreed to work collaboratively to promote Christian spiritual values in Europe, reported RIA... Read more


Adult stem cells cure renal failure in rats, process can be used in humans

Jun 22, 2005

Japanese scientists say a process involving adult stem cells that cured renal failure in rats should be able to work... Read more


Congressman withdraws statement accusing Democrats of being anti-Christian

Jun 22, 2005

A Republican congressman asked Monday for unanimous consent of the House to withdraw his statement, accusing Democrats of “denigrating and... Read more


New research claims babies can be created from synthetic egg

Jun 22, 2005

A new scientific development could theoretically eliminate the physical need for both men and women for human reproduction and see... Read more


Argentinean bishop says man is not to be object of consumption

Jun 22, 2005

Bishop Juan Ruben Martinez of Posadas, Argentina, said this week human beings should not be considered “objects of consumption”. Read more


Chilean archbishop warns “modernist tendencies” are harassing the Church

Jun 22, 2005

The Archbishop emeritus of La Serena, Chile, Bernardino Piñera, said this week that “modernist and secular tendencies” are harassing the... Read more


Pope Benedict launches new book, affirms Church teaching on abortion

Jun 21, 2005

Only two months after his election, Pope Benedict XVI has published his first book. In it, he defends the Catholic... Read more


Cardinal Ruini proposes “re-reading” of Vatican II

Jun 21, 2005

Vatican analyst Sandro Magister of the Italian online magazine L’Espresso published an article Wednesday on a recent speech given by... Read more

Do not fear snares of evildoers who want to destroy human values, Pope says

Jun 21, 2005

Speaking before some 31,000 people gathered in St. Peter's Square for the Wednesday General Audience,  Pope Benedict XVI spoke on... Read more


Pope says Western influence is cause for ‘sexual immorality’ in Africa: Botswana bishop

Jun 21, 2005

An African bishop returning from his first Ad Limina visit with Pope Benedict XVI in Rome said the weeklong meeting... Read more