Latest Catholic News


Catholics shocked by Notre Dame president’s turnaround on ‘Vagina Monologues’

Apr 6, 2006

Following his own strong words denouncing the play in January, many Catholics have responded with dismay to the decision of... Read more


Connecticut bishops claim bias in state legislature

Apr 6, 2006

Connecticut’s three Catholic bishops said Wednesday they believe the Church is under fire in the state legislature, where there have... Read more


LA group to bring relics to hurricane-ravaged area, calls for national prayer

Apr 6, 2006

A Los-Angeles group will make a pilgrimage through the hurricane-ravaged Gulf States with its collection of relics of Christ’s passion.  Read more

Pope to youth: Life is a great adventure, dare to believe that God will not abandon you

Apr 6, 2006

Throngs of young people from around the Diocese of Rome gathered in St. Peter’s Square yesterday evening to meet with... Read more


Immigration bill does not criminalize assistance efforts, say legislators

Apr 6, 2006

A group of legislators are striving to assure the U.S. Catholic bishops that a new and much criticized immigration reform... Read more


President Bush praises Church as voice for human dignity at National Catholic prayer breakfast

Apr 6, 2006

This morning in the nation’s capital, Catholic and political leaders from around the U.S. gathered for the annual National Catholic... Read more


Experts skeptical of new ‘Gospel of Judas’

Apr 6, 2006

The Gospel of Judas, a manuscript which experts believe may date back to the 2nd century, and suggests that Judas... Read more


Churchgoing can add years to your life, study review reveals

Apr 5, 2006

A recent review of existing research on factors related to longevity reveals that people who attend religious services weekly actually... Read more


Bishops urge governor to veto stem-cell bill

Apr 5, 2006

Three Catholic leaders are urging Maryland Gov. Robert Ehrlich Jr. to veto legislation allowing for state funding of embryonic stem... Read more


Young men considering priesthood choose between 'God or the Girl' on A&E

Apr 5, 2006

A new five-part documentary, billed as a reality show, about priestly vocations will premiere Easter Sunday. “God or the Girl”... Read more


Scientist claims Jesus could have walked on ice, not water, others critical of assessment

Apr 5, 2006

Rare weather conditions, creating a cold period some 2,500 to 1,500 years ago, could have created a hard-to-see floating ice... Read more


Holy Father mourns death of former Pope Paul VI secretary

Apr 5, 2006

Many prominent Catholics--particularly in Italy--are mourning the death today of Archbishop Pasquale Macchi, prelate emeritus of Loretto, Italy and former... Read more


Vatican’s U.N. rep: immigration debate must not be manipulated for short-term political gain at expense of human beings

Apr 5, 2006

Speaking to the United Nation’s Commission on Population and Development yesterday, the Holy See’s Archbishop Celestino Migliore urged leaders to... Read more

Pope Benedict, Nobel Prize winner Peres jointly condemn all forms of terrorism

Apr 5, 2006

Shimon Peres, former prime minister of Israel and 1994 winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, met today at the Vatican... Read more


Thousands of Chinese catechumens in Hong Kong to receive sacraments during Easter Vigil

Apr 5, 2006

Hong Kong’s Catholic communities are preparing to welcome 2,400 new members who will receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and... Read more


Civil rights groups denounce ideologically based elementary school course

Apr 5, 2006

The civil rights watchdog website in Spain,, has denounced a new course for elementary schools which the Ministry of... Read more


Peruvian lawmakers decry Health Minister’s efforts to legalize abortion

Apr 5, 2006

A group of Peruvian legislators has sent a letter to the country’s Health Minister, Pilar Mazzeti, requesting that she disclose... Read more


Spanish cardinal calls on all people of good will to save family from ruin

Apr 5, 2006

The Archbishop of Toledo, Cardinal Antonio Cañizares, has denounced the attacks on the family in Spain and is calling on... Read more


Nationally broadcast Easter Mass to be celebrated in New Orleans cathedral

Apr 4, 2006

This year’s nationally televised Easter mass will be taped at the Cathedral of St. Louis in New Orleans and presided... Read more


Anti-Catholic resolution prompts lawsuit

Apr 4, 2006

A resolution, condemning Catholic moral teaching on homosexuality and urging San Francisco’s archbishop and Catholic Charities to defy Church directives... Read more