Latest Catholic News


Jesus seeks to heal humanity; ill from ideologies, idolatries, says Pope

Feb 5, 2006

During a Mass celebrated Sunday at the Vatican’s parish of Saint Anne, Pope Benedict warned that a modern-day fog of... Read more


Pope Benedict: Culture of life must be based on attention to others, rejecting hedonism, discrimination

Feb 5, 2006

During Sunday’s weekly Angelus prayer, Pope Benedict told thousands of pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square that a true “culture... Read more


'Faces of Abortion' launched in 110 countries in Russian

Feb 2, 2006

The Russian-language Christian New Life Television is now airing Operation Outcry’s 30-minute “Faces of Abortion” television show in 110 countries... Read more


Bush touts religious freedom, says US is ‘nation of prayer’

Feb 2, 2006

Americans are a prayerful people who continue to seek God’s will and to respond to this will in service to... Read more


Jerusalem church leaders express support for new Palestinian government

Feb 2, 2006

The 13 patriarchs and heads of the Churches of Jerusalem have issued a statement, congratulating the Palestinian people for their... Read more


Archbishop Chaput considers Spokane settlement, approach to sex-abuse claims

Feb 2, 2006

Archbishop Charles Chaput of Denver said Catholics in Colorado would examine Bishop William Skylstad’s settlement and approach to the sex-abuse... Read more

Holy See announces Plenary Indulgence for World Day of Sick

Feb 2, 2006

The decree stated that their souls must be “completely removed from attachment to any form of sin” and that they... Read more


Cardinal Mahony implores Supreme Court to keep priest files confidential, cites 1st Amendment, confessional freedoms

Feb 2, 2006

Cardinal Roger Mahony and the lawsuit-wracked Archdiocese of Los Angeles have asked the U.S. Supreme Court to overrule a series... Read more


Archbishop Naumann: Scripture exhorts faithful to welcome the migrant, alien

Feb 2, 2006

In his latest column, Kansas City, Kansas Archbishop Joseph Naumann weighed in on the volatile national immigration debate, saying that... Read more


Guatemalan bishops ready to challenge constitutionality of anti-life law

Feb 2, 2006

The Bishops’ Conference of Guatemala is poised to file a petition before the country’s Supreme Court to stop a new... Read more


New Canadian Prime Minister promises to review homosexual “marriage”

Feb 2, 2006

The election of Stephen Harper has Prime Minister of Canada and the new breakdown of the Canadian legislature is giving... Read more


Bishop highlights contribution of consecrated life to materialistic world

Feb 2, 2006

In a letter marking the World Day of Consecrated Life, celebrated on February 2, Bishop Jose Sanchez Gonzalez of Sigüenza-Guadalajara,... Read more


Mexican bishop says Church and State not rival institutions

Feb 2, 2006

The secretary general of the Bishops’ Conference of Mexico, Bishop Carlos Aguiar Retes, said this week the continuing collaboration between... Read more


Issue of Reconciliation with Saint Pius X Fraternity to be reviewed in meeting of Cardinals of Roman Curie.

Feb 2, 2006

Pope Benedict  is planning on lifting the excommunication pronounced in 1988 by his predecessor John Paul II against the bishops... Read more


Jesuits general meeting on April 22 at the Vatican.

Feb 2, 2006

The General Assembly of Jesuits will meet on April 22 with Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican. A solemn mass... Read more


Democrats oppose Supreme Court nominees not backed by abortion industry, says priest

Feb 1, 2006

A Catholic priest says the Democrats’ nearly unanimous opposition to Justice Samuel Alito for the Supreme Court in the Jan.... Read more


US bishops’ conference urges Congress to support ‘Holly’s Law’

Feb 1, 2006

An official with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is urging Congress to put “Holly’s Law” to a vote... Read more


New round begins in US Lutheran-Roman Catholic dialogue

Feb 1, 2006

More than 20 Lutheran and Roman Catholic leaders in the United States are set to continue their dialogue toward unity... Read more


Catholic Charities USA urges Congress not to slash vital programs for poor

Feb 1, 2006

Catholic Charities USA, one of the nation’s largest social service networks, is making a last-minute plea to the U.S. House... Read more


Totalitarian tendencies threatening “democratic” regimes, warns Vatican cardinal

Feb 1, 2006

The president of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts, Cardinal Julian Herranz, warned in Madrid this week against “ideological totalitarian... Read more