Latest Catholic News

Second Edwards Campaigner resigns over anti-Catholic statements

Feb 14, 2007

The second of two liberal bloggers hired by John Edwards’ campaign for the Democratic Presidential nomination resigned Tuesday, following continued... Read more


Bishops identify national priorities in Congo

Feb 14, 2007

The Catholic bishops of Congo issued a powerful statement at the end of their episcopal meeting, identifying priorities for recently... Read more


Catholic group warns of possible step toward eugenics

Feb 14, 2007

Canada’s Catholic Organization for Life and Family (COLF) is calling upon all Canadians, especially obstetricians, gynecologists and expectant parents, to... Read more


Catholic group urges lonely hearts to pray to St. Raphael

Feb 14, 2007

On this Valentine’s Day, a Catholic organization is advising lonely hearts to pray to St. Raphael, one of seven archangels... Read more


Cardinal says genetic testing legislation should be amended

Feb 14, 2007

Cardinal Justin Rigali called on Congress to correct an “unfortunate and apparently unintentional loophole” in the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act... Read more

Spiritual poverty is worse than material poverty, Pope’s message says

Feb 13, 2007

To celebrate the presentation of Pope Benedict XVI’s Lenten message, a press conference was held today at the Vatican.  Speaking... Read more


Argentinean bishop calls for prayer for CELAM conference

Feb 13, 2007

Bishop Jose Luis Mollaghan of Rosario is calling on the faithful in Argentina to pray for the 5th General Conference... Read more


First Catholic church in Granada celebrates 525th anniversary

Feb 13, 2007

The parish of Our Lady of the Incarnation in Alhama de Granada, the first Christian church consecrated in the Kingdom... Read more


Colombian bishops make energetic call for reconciliation in the country

Feb 13, 2007

Amidst the climate of violence and tension which Colombians are suffering, the Bishops’ Conference of Colombia, gathered for its 82nd... Read more


The world must rediscover riches of Natural Law, Benedict says

Feb 13, 2007

Late yesterday morning, the Holy Father received in audience participants in an international congress on Natural Law, being promoted by... Read more

One anti-Catholic Edwards campaigner quits, Donohue calls for termination of second

Feb 13, 2007

Following the first day of a “public relations blitz” on the part of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil... Read more

Pope’s Lenten message: From the side of Christ flows an example of self-giving

Feb 13, 2007

In his message to the world’s faithful for Lent of 2007, Pope Benedict XVI emphasized that God’s act of suffering... Read more


Vatican official calls for reconciliation of faith and science

Feb 13, 2007

The Chancellor of the Pontifical Academies of Science and Social Science, Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo, spoke recently on the need... Read more


Not voting is sin, says Lithuanian archbishop

Feb 13, 2007

The Catholic primate of Lithuania has called on all citizens to vote in the upcoming municipal elections, stating that failing... Read more


‘Screwtape Letters’ to be released on film

Feb 13, 2007

The company that produced The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is planning to adapt C.S.... Read more


Pro-lifers encourage New Hampshire legislature to keep parental notification laws

Feb 13, 2007

A national pro-life group is calling on New Hampshire legislators to preserve the state's parental notification law. New Hampshire is... Read more

Cardinal Joseph Zen

Cardinal Zen says China’s actions are “acts of war”

Feb 12, 2007

The leading Roman Catholic Bishop of China, Cardinal Joseph Zen has once again spoken out against the Communist government’s recent... Read more

Number of world’s Catholics remains steady, number of priests grows slightly

Feb 12, 2007

Monday morning, Cardinal Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone S.D.B. presented the Holy Father with the 2007 edition of the "Annuario... Read more


Venezuelan archbishop calls for Chavez to stop posturing and address urgent problems

Feb 12, 2007

Archbishop Baltazar Porras Cardozo of Merida has criticized the Hugo Chavez regime for its ambiguity and urged the government, “rather... Read more


Puerto Rican bishop says proposed bill against the family is “aberrant”

Feb 12, 2007

Bishop Felix Lazaro of Ponce said recently that new changes to the Civil Code regarding the family scheduled to be... Read more