Vatican News


Cardinal Kasper to go to Moscow in February

Jan 21, 2004

Joaquin Navarro-Valls, Holy See Press Office director announced today that Cardinal Walter Kasper, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting... Read more

True peace comes from “deep spirituality,” not balance of powers, Pope says

Jan 20, 2004

During his Wednesday’s general audience, Pope John Paul recalled that this week is dedicated to prayer and reflection for Christian... Read more


Teaching peace is safest “security policy,” Pope says

Jan 19, 2004

Speaking to members of the General Inspectorate for Public Security at the Vatican, Pope John Paul stressed the need of... Read more


Pope to Muslims: “Peace be with you!”

Jan 19, 2004

“Peace be with you!” were Pope John Paul’s opening words this morning in the Consistory Hall as he welcomed participants,... Read more


Division of Christians “a painful trial” the Pope says

Jan 18, 2004

During the recitation of the Angelus last Sunday, Pope John Paul II reflected on the Week of Prayer for Christian... Read more


Pope praises ecumenical progress with Lutherans

Jan 18, 2004

Pope John Paul II expressed his optimism on the dialogue with Lutherans this Monday during the encounter with an ecumenical... Read more


Pope sees hope in dialogue between Catholics and Chief Rabbinate

Jan 15, 2004

Pope John Paul II says “the official dialogue established between the Catholic Church and the Chief Rabbinate of Israel is... Read more


John Paul II calls on women to take care for mankind

Jan 15, 2004

Pope John Paul II called women to be aware of their true vocation and follow the mission given by God:... Read more


Pope urges to fight violence promoting family

Jan 14, 2004

Pope John Paul II condemned this morning terrorism and said that if the society wants to defeat violence, it must... Read more


Pope tells visitors: “I love you, too.”

Jan 14, 2004

During this week’s general audience, Pope John Paul II departed from his prepared speech in response to a group of... Read more

Pope calls Catholics to imitate Christ as a model, and program to carry out

Jan 13, 2004

Pope John Paul II called on Catholics today to follow Christ “without hesitation” as the model “which we must contemplate... Read more

Two days in a row, Pope calls for world peace

Jan 12, 2004

Pope John Paul II spoke about peace this morning, just a day after his powerful speech about the world situation. ... Read more


Pope celebrates anniversary of spiritual classic that inspired his Mariology

Jan 12, 2004

Pope John Paul II marked the 160th anniversary of the publication of "True devotion to Our Lady" by St. Louis-Marie... Read more


Pope John Paul II denounces menaces of world peace

Jan 11, 2004

As is the custom every New Year, Pope John Paul II welcomed members of the diplomatic corps accredited to the... Read more


Family cannot be equated to other unions, Pope tells Italian Ambassador

Jan 8, 2004

During the welcoming ceremony of Italy's new ambassador to the Holy See, Giuseppe Balboni Acqua, Pope John Paul II recalled... Read more


Italy has a role in keeping Europe Christian, Pope says

Jan 8, 2004

Pope John Paul II on Friday told Italy’s new ambassador to the Holy See, Giuseppe Balboni Acqua, that Italy's rich... Read more


Slained Nuncio was “son of the noble land of Ireland”, Cardinal Sodano says

Jan 8, 2004

On Thursday afternoon, Cardinal Angelo Sodano, the Vatican’s Secretary of State, celebrated a Mass for the repose of the soul... Read more


Religious orders in the US to conduct audit on sexual misconduct

Jan 8, 2004

Pope John Paul II on Friday told Italy’s new ambassador to the Holy See, Giuseppe Balboni Acqua, that Italy's rich... Read more


John Paul II: None of the current ideologies will interrupt faith and reason dialogue

Jan 7, 2004

Pope John Paul II hopes that “the lively dialogue” between faith and reason will last and “none of the current... Read more


Holy Father defends right to love of mentally handicapped

Jan 7, 2004

In a message to the participants in an international symposium on the "Dignity and Rights of the Mentally Handicapped", Pope... Read more